Tuesday, September 21, 2004


**WARNING: emotional weekend had by Rae, not liable for what she may say**

wow where to begin...

I got off of training at about ten minutes after eleven...stopped at home for about 5 minutes, then back on the road trekking down to the hall that was and will be again turned into a shelter for women who need each other for one whole weekend once every year. They need women like themselves, women who understand, who hug you when you cry, women who cry with you even if they don't know why yoou're crying, women who look you in the eye and say "from all the love within me I must ask, what the fuck were you thinking?", women of like minds...

Strong, Beautiful, Passionate, Sensitive, One Of A Kind, Lustful, Loving, Courageous, Wise, Brave, Honourable, Dependable, Sexy, Incredible, Real, Faithfilled, Priestess, Committed, Focused, New, Action, Goddess Women.

I got to the hall, I unpacked the trunk and said thanks to my friends. I grabbed some of my stuff and walked in to hoots and hollars, arms waving in the air and shouts of RAE!! my heart swelled...as I was greeted with "you just made it in time" I rushed to get changed and sign in. The lights went out and the ritual started and I knew that I was where I was supposed to be.

I've been lost and walking alone in my own way. I knew that I was somewhere where I could dig down deep and deal and get real and everyone would understand. They wouldn't pressure or bug to know what was wrong but would be there every step of the way incase I fell down.

It was cold friday night...and I was dumb and forgot my other blanket...my friend beside me woke up and realized I was freezing and told me to jump in with her...it was the best feeling in the world for me...I just have to say that sometimes you just need to cuddle a woman. I slept the best I have slept in at least a year that night. Did some drumming... gawd it always sounds so much better when theres more than one ;)

Went to a workshop on Saturday that made me look WAY deep down inside. It was all about commitments that we make to ourselves and how the ones we make to ourselves are the hardest ones to keep. Talk about a wake up call. Fell asleep watching a bunch of beautiful women belly dancing to some wonderful music.

I hate it when we have to wrap up on sunday. However it was easier knowing that I was walking away from the weekend knowing what I want to do and how to make it so I end up doing what I want. Shapeshifting, changing, morphing...

Came home, had a shower with my man got a foot rub afterwards and he made me a wonderfully tasty dinner...played with Keenan, then went to bed. I love the H.O.W weekends...and I can't wait til the next one. (btw H.O.W stand for in Honour Of Womanhood)



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