Thursday, June 17, 2010

My world, haters can make like bees with no stingers, and drop dead...

After much research She just seemed to fit me all to well... I got this VeVe last Tuesday and have had some interesting dreams and experiences since... Now researching Shango (Chango) to see about getting his VeVe on my left foot... though I feel a great draw toward Papa Legba, so since I am not 100% decided on which I continue researching, journeying and meditating on which is me.

Oshun (Oxum)
In Yoruban mythology, Oshun is an Orisha (spirit goddess) of love,
intimacy, beauty, wealth and diplomacy. According to the Yoruba elders,
Oshun is the "unseen mother present at every gathering", because she
represents the cosmological forces of water, moisture, and attraction.
Therefore, she is omnipresent and omnipotent.

Oshun is the force of harmony - harmony seen as beauty, felt as love, and
experienced as ecstasy. According to the ancients, she was the only female
Irunmole amongst the 401 sent from the spirit realm to create the world. As
such, she is revered as "YeYe" - the sweet mother of us all. When the male
Irunmole attempted to subjugate Oshun due to her femaleness, she removed
her divine energy (aché) from the project of creation and all subsequent
efforts were in vain. Only after the male Irunmole begged Oshun for
forgiveness could the creation of the world continue. However, creation
would not commence until Oshun had given birth to a son. This son became
Elegba, the great conduit of aché in the Universe and also the eternal and
infernal trickster.

Oshun is known as Yalode- the mother of things outside the home,
due to her business expertise. She is also known as Laketi, “She Who has
Ears”, because of how quickly and effectively she answers prayers. When she
possesses her followers she dances, flirts and then weeps- because no one can
love her enough and the world is not as beautiful as she knows it could be.
Oshun is beneficent and generous, and very kind. However, she does
have a terrible temper, though it is difficult to anger her. She is married to
Changó, god of fire, thunder, and power, and is his favorite wife because of
her excellent cooking skills. Oshun rules the ‘sweet’ waters- rivers, brooks,
and streams. Her preferred offerings are honey, copper jewelry, or coins in
multiples of five. She is most often associated with St. Cecilia, and in Lukumi,
she is Our Lady of La Caridad del Cobre, the protectress of Cuba. Her colors are
yellow and gold.

In Vodoun, Oshun is known as Erzulie. Erzulie’s colors are shades
of pink. While Erzulie and Oshun are very much alike, Erzulie has a vengeful,
ruthless nature when angered. Her aspect Erzulie Dantor is a fierce protector
of women and children, an avenger of domestic violence, and a patron loa of

Yemayá (Yemoja, Iemanja)
Yemayá is the Mother of the Seven Seas, the Creation Goddess, and
Santeria Orisha of fertility and motherhood. She offers protection to women.
She is likened to the patron saints Lady of Regla, and Mary, Star of the Sea.
Often depicted as a mermaid, she is associated with the moon, ocean, and
female mysteries. She rules the subconscious and creative endeavors. As such,
she is the governess of the household and of matters pertaining to women
including childbirth, conception, childhood safety, love, and healing.
Extremely compassionate and merciful, Yemayá rules the dreamtime,
oversees the Moon, deep secrets, ancient wisdom, salt water, sea shells, and
the collective unconscious.

According to legend, Yemayá originated in Egypt as the Goddess
Isis. It is thought by some that the Nubian slaves who returned to different
parts of Africa may have brought Isis with them under the new name of
Yemayá. Myth has it that Yemayá gave birth to the 14 Yoruban Goddesses
and Gods. When her uterine waters broke, it caused a great flood creating the
oceans. The first human man and woman were borne from her womb.
Yemayá goes by a number of different names including Queen of
Witches, Mother of Fishes, The Constantly Changing Woman, The Ocean
Mother, Mother of Dreams and Secrets, Mother of Pearl, and Yemayá-
Olokun (powerful dream aspect). Yemayá’s counterpart in Vodoun is called
Lasiren, the mermaid. She is related to Mamiwata (Mamma Water), the
African water-spirit. Lasiren’s symbols are a mirror and comb.

There is a common legend about Yemayá choosing her own
students; occasionally someone will disappear, sometimes for seven years, and
return with tales of having learned the ways of magick and healing in her
undersea dwelling. Her offerings are often doves, but never fish, as these are
considered her children.

"I'm not afraid to take a stand
Everybody come take my hand
We'll walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just let you know that, you're not alone
Holla if you feel that you've been down the same road"

1 comment:

MoonTree said...

WOW,Witch,that was like, totally amazeing!!!!!!Thank u very much!!!Moon