I am one of those crazies that believes that the cure for things like AIDS and Cancer have been found but they keep getting swept under the rug... for either financial reasons which is what a lot of the crazies will say but I'm one of those other crazies where I actually believe that it's for another reason as well which isn't all financial but also... wait for it... population control.
The virus that is human beings is spreading at such a dramatic rate that there needs to be some sort of population control, n'est pas?
just a thought I suppose...
So I started this blog post earlier today and then had to hem some pants for the Boychild... which I never did get to finish hemming... and then when we got home I started sewing on some of his badges... and now I don't quite remember the tangent I had rolling around my head ... but whatever it was has disappeared again...
Sometimes it's frustrating when life interrupts my tangents... other times it's a fantastic distraction for my brain...
So here I sit wondering what the heck I'm going to finish up this blog with that might be a bit more provoking then ... oh hey they can't fix the PS3 but hey at least we still have our Wii, N64, GameCube, Xbox and so forth... lol
And yet what is something I put on my xmas list... ? DSi XL
oh yeah... I've explained the ridiculousness of christmas lists in the past when it comes to my family... So this year when Mum asked for my christmas list I put the most ridiculous list together for myself and the Man....
Things like... a car that's drivable, a house, DSi XL, new TV, world peace, cheese (any kind except Swiss - the Man doesn't like it), new computers, new wardrobe... etc.
I think she's getting the hint that I don't like making christmas lists...
You'd think that those who are friends and family and know you should know what you'd like... and really it is supposed to be about the thought right?
and now I'm tired and going to bed... the Simpsons just came on and the remote is across the room and I can feel my energy and IQ being sapped...
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