Friday, April 29, 2011

Seriously Keyboard WTF is up with the French Shite...

Wednesday evening after the Boychild went to bed I went to the store to get some time for my phone and when I got back I got hit with one of my ocular migraines... my vision got all fucked up for about a half an hour and then came the searing pain in my right eye that shoots through my head...

It got so bad I was curled up crying from the pain... The Man offered what he could to help with the pain but it just wouldn`t go away.
Went to bed and got some sleep.

Woke up the next afternoon, asked the Man if he could call the pharmacy about the prescription the doctor gave me for the migraine pain. He came back and told me we had no power, but he got dressed and walked over to the pharmacy, just to find out that it was closed due to not having power.

Come to find out thanks to Krammit that a huge portion of the city was without power... and they had no estimate in regards to when we`d have power back on. So I needed to figure out how to feed the fam since everything we have in the house needs to be cooked. So after getting some help from Krammit (doing some phone calling for me) we found out any restaurant within walking distance and most within busing were all without power.
I called my mum and sister and left messages on their vmail asking if one of them could bring us something we could eat for dinner.
In return I get a text from my sister telling me that she would be here in 20 minutes to pick us all up and taking us back to their house and make sure we leave food out for the cats.
I got angry. I didn`t need a place stay I just need some dinner food that didn`t require cooking... so I sent a text stating such and got a msg back saying `I`m on my way` ... needless to say I was even more angry...and in pain from the migraine and just wanting to go to bed.
So my cell rings and it`s my mum, so flustered as I was I answered the phone and stressed to my mother that...we do not need a place to stay...we just needed some food. Because really when we do stay at my mum`s we barely`s not like there`s a guest room with a bed. It`s blowing up an air mattress on the downstairs floor. Really with the way I was feeling that was the last thing I wanted.

So when my sister gets here she gives me attitude because she was in St Catharines when she got a call from mum telling her to not pick us up and to just pick up some food for us. So she had to turn around and head back to Niagara Falls to find somewhere open. Then come back to drop it off.

Meanwhile I had taken a percocet to try to help my migraine, and was on the verge of tears most of the evening.
The power finally came back on at about 8 or so in the evening.

The Manchild called after his meeting with my sister and starts on me about how he wants to stay in Niagara Falls the next evening and then how he has a garbage clean up that he has to go to on Saturday morning oh and then of course his ball hockey game is Sunday morning... and he doesn`t understand why I was possibly upset about any of that.

So I got off the phone with him and just lost it. Started crying.
It was like everything of the day plus the pain I was trying to deal with just came crashing down...

The Man was sweet and put down his laptop and came over to the couch I was sitting on and just hugged me. I told him `You`re super awesome and I love you so much, but it`s all this and I just miss Big Daddy so much...` I`m so glad that he understands and doesn`t feel put out when I tell him things like that. That`s one of the ways he`s super awesome.

After that I sent a text to Big Daddy and was thankful he was around to talk to throughout the evening, though it did start out a bit ...enh.

The percocet didn`t really do anything for the pain in my head. I ended up staying up and watching the Royal Wedding. I wasn`t going to because I wasn`t really interested in the whole thing but I found myself still up at 3am and figured wtf why not...

She looked great and it was a very pretty dress, the Queen looked awesome and that`s about all I`m going to say about all of it.

So here I am and I still have a headache and I`ve just found out that none of the migraine medications the doctor can prescribe for me aren`t covered... *le sigh*

I can get all the narcotics I want but no vaso-restrictors ... wtF

oh well ... such is life.

I`ve set up a doctors appointment for next week and hopefully ...

So as I`m sitting here and in the background the show The Doctors is on because I`ve not changed the channel and as I`m sitting here talking about my headaches...when suddenly a viewer asks about menstrual headaches... so the doctor starts talking about the drop of estrogen when the progestrone rises... so talk to the doctor about the possibility of doing full cycle birth control... where you just stay on birth control rather then taking the break... so then she follows it up with but if you have the migraines that have the auras then you`ll want to stay away from birth control as there is a higher risk of stroke... UM WHAT...

I`m having (aura) migraines and am on birth control and am over 30... *le sigh*

so because of how I am I`ll likely get a migraine again and start thinking I`m having a stroke...

I`m going out for a cheeseburger... fuck this shit of trying to be healthy...

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