Tuesday, January 12, 2010

... not even listening to music ...

We stop ourselves from living the life we desire due to a series of imagined problems or restrictions.

Rather than focus on the present, we have focused on the future
and imagined it to be other than according to our wishes and dreams.

Keep your ears and eyes open to see where in your day to day
activities (and thoughts), you block yourself
from your good with a 'because'.

Take a look at your thoughts and your patterns
and weed out the negative programs that trip you up.
Take charge of your life and let your guide be the joy within.

Don't let old programming ruin your life
and take the joy out of living.

Don't stop yourself from enjoying the now
because of an imagined tomorrow or a remembered yesterday.

Take a look at how you're stopping yourself from being happy.
It's all up to you, no buts (or because) about it.

Marie T. Russell
Excerpted from
I Can't Do That Because...

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