Monday, January 26, 2009

A Letter From God To Man

Hey There, how, how’s it going? 
Long time no see.
I know I haven’t been around much lately
But…it didn’t seem like you wanted me to be
The last time I sent down a message you nailed it to the cross
So I figured I’d just leave you to it, let you be your own boss

But I’ve been keeping an eye on you, I have, and it’s amazing how you’ve grown.
With your technological advances and the problems you’ve overthrown,
And all the beautiful art you’ve created with such grace and such finesse,
But I admit there are a few things I’m afraid have impressed me less.

So I’m writing to apologize for all the horrors committed in my name,
Although that was never what I intended, I feel I should take my share of the blame.
All the good I tried to do was corrupted when organised religion got into full swing,
What I thought were quite clear messages were taken to unusual extremes.
My teachings taken out of context to meet the agendas of others,
Interpretations taken to many different ways and hidden meanings discovered

Religion became a tool, for the weak to control the strong
With all these new morals and ethics, survival of the fittest was gone
No longer could the biggest man simply take whatever he needed ‘cause damnation was the price if certain rules were not heeded

Some of the deeds committed in my name just made me wonder were I went wrong.
Back at the start when I created this, the foundation seemed so strong.
See all the elements were already here, long before I began, I just kind of put it all together I didn’t really think out a long-term plan.

I made the sun an appropriate distance and laid the stars across the sky
So you could navigate the globe or simply watch the sun rise I covered the earth with plants and fruits,
Some for sustenance and some for beauty I made the sun shine and the clouds rain so their maintenance wasn’t your duty
I tried to give each creature its own attributes without making them enveloped
I gave you all you all your own space to grow and in your own way space to develop

I didn’t know such development would cause rifts and jealousy
Cause you to war against each other and leave marks on this planet indelibly
You see, I wasn’t really the creater, I was just the curator of nature
I want to get something straight with homosexuals right now: I don’t hate ya
I was a simple being that happened to be the first to wield such powers
I just laid the ground, it was You that built the towers

It was You that invented bombs, and the fear that comes with them
And it was You that invented money, and the corrupt economic systems
You invented terms like just-war and terms like friendly fire
And it was You that didn’t know when to stop digging deeper, when to stop building higher
It was You that exhausted the resources I carefully laid out on this earth,
And it was You that even saw these problems coming but accredited them little worth
It was You that used my teachings for your own personal gain
And it was You that committed such tragedies, even though they were in my name

So I apologize for any mistakes I made, and when my words misconstrued
But this apology’s to mother nature,
cause I created you

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I Don't Wanna Be The Girl Who Has To Fill The Silence... (Do It Yourself.)

*basking in the glorious feeling of mornin lovin's*

Ok so that was a bit gratuitous... *laughs* I can't help but be happy...

So just wanted to jot down a quick entry before heading off to the land of the cleaning and planning...

cleaning because well... I do that now... every Saturday we clean up the house... all week I tidy up but the boys have to all pitch in and help on Saturday cleaning their room and their bathroom and their playroom... they hate it... but they enjoy the use of the playroom... so they do it...

the planning... that's a bit more fun... besides at some point today getting together and playing some games with the kids... I've been doing some write ups for a game... and planning not one, not two... but three rituals...

I'm so proud of the man child... he's inquired about learning more about what it is that we do... our beliefs and such... and he's also headed into puberty... so it is time... besides being baptized into the service of the God and Goddess as babies in a naming/dedication ceremony... there are other rites of passage that we go through... and as his birthday approaches it would seem that the man child is ready for his next rit... So as a proud pagan mama I'm planning and writing up his ritual that will be done by the man and some of the other men of the community... that and Imbolc is sneaking up on us, so I'm also writing that one...

I'm so excited to be a part of the planning of a new upcoming women's weekend that will be happening this fall... it's given me just one more thing to look forward too...

I'm also getting ready to take charge of a euchre tournament that will be a fundraiser for the distress centre... and of course my on-going work with the Lions and the planning of the upcoming convention...

busy busy busy... that's me... :D

I'm so proud of the change in the kids... that they're willing to do the cleaning that's needed... and not because they're getting money for it as they don't get an allowance but because they don't want to live as we were before... we praise the Gods every day that they didn't like that as well... moving here was like all of us waking up from a depression of sorts... and it was probably likely...

We've all been unplugging more often and spending more time together... and yes it's right... it's so much easier to look at this box and say 'enh maybe I'll do something later' ... and then just not sit down because of getting too busy with the family...

I can breathe... I don't feel all down and wishing I was somewhere else... I want to be here... with these people that I love immensely... *smiles* I can understand why people don't trust the relationships/friendships that are made online... so many of them are fake... the desperate flailing of depressed people seeking to get away from where they are at... those who can't/won't go to their getaway.. should just unplug and deal with life... it's way easier...

I chalk it all up to just another life experience that I can add to my catalog of experiences that I use when helping others...

*laughs* You know the times when you say things like "OMG I did that... don't bother... it's dumb, stupid, ridiculous, heartbreaking, not worth the time, bothersome..." you get the picture...

I think we've all done it at one point or another...

Anyway... I'm babbling now... so... time for food, cleaning, fun with the fam and then more planning... :)

Have a great weekend... and try unplugging from this box you'll find it easier then you thought...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Figments of The Over Emotional Imagination...

This is dedicated to those whom I've cut from my life without telling them why... and nor will I tell them why...

Ludo never loved Sarah for it was all a dream and in the end the Goblin King never had the baby... Sarah didn't love Ludo, she loved the idea of Ludo... Sarah had to grow up and do away with all the childish things...

That and I love the singing in this clip.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Don't wait til Valentine's Day...

I love my man...

More then anything else... I look at him and if I try to tell him how much I love him I end up getting all emotional and crying... I couldn't imagine being with anyone else... he's good to me, he's good with our children and so thoughtful toward others... he is a true blue through and through animal lover... and he does anything and everything he can to provide for his family even if he is sick or not in the greatest of health... he's a good father and is an excellent role model for the young gentlemen we're trying to raise... he also truly believes that all women are a Goddess...

how could I ever pass that up...

I don't know... but I did at one point... well I tried too... and it was the stupidest thing I have ever done in my life. .. I know this... I call it my 8 month long brain fart... we can joke about it now... but... it's because of where we are now as a couple...

I can't even imagine my life without him... I've "edited" my life (so to speak) of the people that were causing negative effects to myself and my family... our whole family is better and happier for it... those people we're bringing me down even though I didn't realize it... they would leave me drained... and addicted... I was addicted to them as if they were a nasty drug I couldn't shake...

So now I limit any contact with them and we're all happier for it... I've gotten my head back into the real world and am doing things that make me happy... my music, my art, my crafts, my kids... and my beautiful, sensitive, caring, compassionate love of my life...

The weird, geeky AV guy from highschool who never seemed to have a girlfriend and came across as possibly gay... *grins*

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Let's Give 'Em Something To Talk About....

After the holidays I tend to get this feeling of loss... not huge mourning worthy sort of loss...

Not a loss of money or anything superficial like that... I think I get this feeling because after a long holiday like the christmas break I have to on the Sunday, saying bye to the manchild after having him for over a week, get the boychild all ready and prepared for the back to school on Monday, and the man goes back to normal hours and such... There's also sense of fellowship and family that comes during the holidays that seems to dissapate in the beginning of January when the calm settles back in again and the hub bub dies down... gives me a tiny sad... especially when the man child leaves...

So I was reading a post that was put out by someone I know and it made me go... Huh?... as I read it... Someone said that she and her man now that they've turned thirty have moved past paganism and decided to become atheists... it sort of boggled me for a few moments as I read it... because he almost has his career all lined up and because she's so busy apparently they have no time for beliefs... but the way it was written was as if because they've both grown up out of their pagan phase they've now become adults and decided to become atheists... I dunno I just have to shake my head and think how does one go from believing in, worshiping nature that is all around us to believing nothing at all... how can someone really believe that there's nothing else... there's no higher power of some sort?
I never have a problem with those who come from one religion to another... but to see people go from something to nothing... well it saddens me a bit... just as it does when people think that their way is the only way...

So here I sit as the boychild had his bath and have now tucked him into bed... and I can't help but think... wow after two weeks of people running about in the house... it'll just be me, and the kittens...

naked wii'ing anyone? :P

I am quite content now... I'm happy with the house, the kids are happy with the house... our first family ritual went very well... our first christmas here went very well... only thing that would make me any happier is if the manchild decided to come live with us... I don't think he realizes how much I miss him when he's not here, even if sometimes when he is here he gets on my last nerve to no end... *chuckles*

enh that's all I have in my head for now...