After the holidays I tend to get this feeling of loss... not huge mourning worthy sort of loss...
Not a loss of money or anything superficial like that... I think I get this feeling because after a long holiday like the christmas break I have to on the Sunday, saying bye to the manchild after having him for over a week, get the boychild all ready and prepared for the back to school on Monday, and the man goes back to normal hours and such... There's also sense of fellowship and family that comes during the holidays that seems to dissapate in the beginning of January when the calm settles back in again and the hub bub dies down... gives me a tiny sad... especially when the man child leaves...
So I was reading a post that was put out by someone I know and it made me go... Huh?... as I read it... Someone said that she and her man now that they've turned thirty have moved past paganism and decided to become atheists... it sort of boggled me for a few moments as I read it... because he almost has his career all lined up and because she's so busy apparently they have no time for beliefs... but the way it was written was as if because they've both grown up out of their pagan phase they've now become adults and decided to become atheists... I dunno I just have to shake my head and think how does one go from believing in, worshiping nature that is all around us to believing nothing at all... how can someone really believe that there's nothing else... there's no higher power of some sort?
I never have a problem with those who come from one religion to another... but to see people go from something to nothing... well it saddens me a bit... just as it does when people think that their way is the only way...
So here I sit as the boychild had his bath and have now tucked him into bed... and I can't help but think... wow after two weeks of people running about in the house... it'll just be me, and the kittens...
naked wii'ing anyone? :P
I am quite content now... I'm happy with the house, the kids are happy with the house... our first family ritual went very well... our first christmas here went very well... only thing that would make me any happier is if the manchild decided to come live with us... I don't think he realizes how much I miss him when he's not here, even if sometimes when he is here he gets on my last nerve to no end... *chuckles*
enh that's all I have in my head for now...
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