Friday, June 16, 2006

Why In Hell??

I'd just like to publicly voice my disappointment in my man...
after doing so well after 16 weeks... he bought a pack of cigarettes...

all together now... *shakes head*

after 30 some odd weeks... I'm still everyday wanting a cigarette and have yet to go out and get any...

everytime I walk thru a cloud of smoke theres this twitch and a feeling of... if I just had one it'd be ok...

but am holding strong... that whole being able to actually breathe again I've discovered is worth it ;)


Anonymous said...

boo to him. 'grats to you though!

Moon said...

GOOD FOR YOU AND SLAPS FOR HIM...RY U FEKING BOOB!!! WTF!,,, Rae, stick to it..I am so proud of you..bigggg huggggs