Monday, February 07, 2005

I Don't Need You To Turn Water Into Wine, No

ok so I don't even know what to say...

first week of Feb has been tough... personal reasons... don't ask... no where near as tough as November but hey I don't wanna get too cryptic on ya LMAO

But anyway....

I'm such a wuss somedays... I bought Raistlan his Valentine's Day present already... and I already gave it to him... I just keep telling him there's more to come for Valentine's Day...
I've also noticed the more years we've been together the more demanding I'm becoming LOL
I told him I want flowers this year...but not the flowers he always buys throughout the year... I don't ever really ask for flowers, because I know they bug his allergies... but damnit... I want some now :D LMAO

work has been sucky... I hate not being able to help people... when I was on the CC campaign the majority of the time I helped people out with their problem... now on the TW campaign I feel like I'm doing nothing but transferring them or referring them to a third party company... *sigh*
even tho the position that I wanted came up I didn't end up applying for it (thanks Shana for the reminder) anyway they were looking for full time people...
I'm not so therefore would not get the job...The Major told me to apply and go full time...I asked him if he would pay for my son to go to daycare...that was a resounding no... *sigh* so I'm still stuck on the phones fighting back attacks and transferring people... It is really great tho when I do actually get to help a person fix their problem... they are usually so excited and grateful...

the kids have been great... well I mean they're kids so they get loud and mouthy and bounce off the walls... so yeah they've been great... and all I can say is at least now they're healthy... Keenan wasn't last week... he told me on Saturday that he wasn't feeling well then next thing I know he's leaning over the toilet for a few hours... it is extremely disheartening to watch a lil ting three year old body tense up and spasm while wretching into a toilet... not something I care to repeat anytime soon... I'm just happy that he's ok now...

Raistlan has been moody... and I'm not sure if it's related at all to the timing of the cryptic thing LOL or if it's for his own reason... but even says he has no idea why it was happening... so I think I just as I'm typing this blog came to the realization of what it was... we'll have to think some more on that.

Hard to believe that being 1700 miles away, he could still affect my family, as if he had picked up the phone and called... or showed up at the door... fucker.
yeah I've hit the bitter stage... LMAO
of well such as life when you've been touched by an asshole.

We have heat again...
Crazy psycho welfare bitch from downstairs some how managed to get the gas company to shut off the gas to our boiler a couple of weeks ago... we were living with a few space heaters throughout the apartment (thanks Paulie, it was WAY better after you lent us yours) so it took the landlady a week or so to get a new boiler into the basement...yay heat!

men have such warped memories!!!

The world is blowing up
The world is caving in
The world has lost her way again
But you are here with me
But you are here with me
Makes it ok

I hear you still talk to me
As if you're sitting in that dusty chair
Makes the hours easier to bare
I know despite the years alone
I'll always listen to you sing your sweet song
And if it's all the same to you

I love you oh so well
Like a kid loves candy and fresh snow
I love you oh so well
Enough to fill up heaven overflow and fill hell
Love you oh so well

And it's cold and darkness falls
It's as if you're in the next room so alive
I could swear I hear you singing to me

I love you oh so well
Like a kid loves candy and fresh snow
I love you oh so well
Enough to fill up heaven overflow and fill hell
Love you oh so well

The world is blowing up
The world is caving in
The world has lost her way again
But you are here with me
But you are here with me
Makes it ok
Oh girl you are singing to me still
I love you oh so well
Like a kid loves candy and fresh snow
I love you oh so well
Enough to fill up heaven overflow and fill hell
Love you oh so well

lil message there for Raistlan... you were not in the casino chair you were on the couch... and you were playing the gamecube not the 64 and it was most definately not before christmas... stop arguing with me... I'm right! I know because it's my memory it was my moment to share something with you that I enjoyed and you were only half paying attention... I know what was going on at the time! :P

oh so now's the time to ask... did ya wanna know what I got him for Valentine's Day??
I got him a silver bracelett with his name engraved on the front and my name engraved on the back with a lil heart beside it... a big set of stuffed lips that say Kiss Me... and....well I'm not telling you the rest... maybe after our date on the 12th I'll fill ya in *evil grin* >:)

anyone know how much it costs to send a small package to England?? weighs a few pounds... payday isn't until the end of this week so I guess I'll figure it out on saturday before my date...

believe it or not... I haven't been around too much because of three things, my apartment, knitting and Raistlan.... I've been trying to keep my apartment clean (swear thats another part time job), I've taken up knitting - made Raistlan a scarf that he likes and will actually wear - think I'm going to make a blanket or something for my next project...might be that everyone gets at least one homemade present for christmas...this coming year, and I've also been trying to go to bed at the time that Raistlan does... or atleast lay in bed watching a movie with him while he drifts off to sleep...

but now that this has become an extremely long post I'm finishing it....



bigbuck99 said...

valentines day just a way to make people feel bad if they don't have a partner.boowho

The Witch Doctor said...

yep it's a commercialized "hallmark holiday" to make people buy more shit they don't need and won't use.
I'm also thinking that you are very single :P

But yanno what... it's my choice to spend my money on my man.... so Nah! :P


I'm a bitch all year long...let me be super nice to him for at least one day... he really does deserve it...

The Witch Doctor said...

ok go ahead and pm me your address and I'll send ya one M72ga...then tape record your wife's reaction for me :P >:)

The Witch Doctor said...

same comment for you Shan... pm me your address and I'll send it to ya but you have to send me a picture of your face when you get it :P

actually email me your address there is something I would like to send you, and I don't think I have you address written down :D