Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Baby Mo's

I love my kids...

so on the way home from school today I ask Keenan if he'd like me to cut his hair... he likes it real short... shaved with a #1 in the summer time... I don't blame him.. if mine grew back as fast as his does I'd shave my head every summer too... but anyway... I got to start to shave his head and he says... I wanna a mohawk mommy... he is so my kid its not even funny... lol
so I figured what the hell... if he doesn't like it we shave it off...so here he is my lil 5 year old punk kid... who wanted a mohawk for his summer time haircut...

Did I happen to mention how he hasn't stopped looking in the mirror and repeating ...
MO Haaaawk!!

Lets see what Mrs B says tomorrow when he goes to school... *laughing*


Anonymous said...

that's captain scubing mowhawk .seeing how wild he is there is no doubt the apples don't fall far from the tree.p.s. sept is only 3 months can't wait.talk soon paulie

Anna said...

That is so weird, Jonathan asked for a mohawk yesterday too except he wanted his to be blue and green.

Must be the new kiddie fad.

His hair is too short for it just yet, the last haircut he went almost bald and I wondered about his choice then....

You did a great job and he looks adorable with it.


Moon said...

OMG! HE LOOKS ADORABLE! and yes he is SOOOO your kid lol...both Chris and I loved the pics of him...laughted to, it looks so cute!

reesie said...

aaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww How cute!!

The Witch Doctor said...

Actually his teacher absolutely loved it... I was surprised to say the least... lol

The Witch Doctor said...

oh yeah and in the fall... *bats eyelashes*

is my birthday ;)

Pauie loves celebrating my birthday :D