Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Why am I sitting here at my computer?

I'm not really doing anything... just sitting here... I mean I have my music on so it's like... ok I must be sitting here listening to music... but I'm so tired... then I look at the clock and think... sheesh it's only 11:30pm... as if that's early or something...

What am I waiting for... if nothings going on and I'm tired... why don't I go to bed?

well... ya know what... I'm going to bed... not going to sit here waiting for something that I don't even know is coming... that way I can actually go to bed.. and get some rest...

I'm so strange... what the hell was I waiting on? my computer to suddenly start entertaining me? ... ha ha ha yeah right...

**on a side note**
I will be reposting that last entry I made quite often... because I want you to get so sick of hearing about the Dog Guides that you donate just to get me to shut up about it ;) :-*
Every little bit helps...

and before I start in on a tangent about why it's a good cause I'm going to bid you adeiu to all y'all

*yawns again*

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