Friday, April 06, 2007

How Many .jpgs Do You Have??

So my sister says to me the other day "Hey do you still have all those pics from mom's birthday party?"

I'm thinking hey no problem they're on my computer...

I start searching... suddenly I realize hours have gone by and I've not yet found my mom's birthday pics... I find three years of my cousins kids birthdays... I find a couple years of my kids birthday parties... hmm

can't find mom's birthday... I go to the trusty start menu and hit that ever so handy "search" button... because see... I can't even remember what any of them were named... I just know that they're jpgs.... so oh so smart my types in *.jpg into the search field thinking... enh I can't have that many pictures I'm sure I'll find one quick enough find out what file in what directory on which hard drive it's on... thinking...

heh... in the infamous words of my son Keenan "easy peasy lemon squeezey" right....
I hit enter for it to search the computer... just a little less then 5 minutes later the lil dog with it's little waggley tail tells me... hey guess what I found some jpgs.... and I was such a good boy... I found 16, 953 of them....

fuck me!! I have almost 17 000 pictures on my computer??

so now I sit and wonder how long til I find one from my mom's birthday party.... wish me luck... lol


Moon said...

Didn't u load those on yoru photobucket thing? I only say so because I forgot for the longest time about that account myself...since I started using flikr...
but holycrap batman, wtf did u get all those jpgs lol

Anna said...

All I can say is HOLY CHIT!!

That's alot of friggen pictures, you could always get rid of the ones of me :p.


Bone said...

Oh wow. That's some serious jpeg-age :)

I somehow lost quite a few pics off my hard drive when I had a virus last year. Fortunately, most of them are still on camera memory cards, I think.

Anonymous said...

Your post fot me thinking about my pictures. I did a search of them and found out that I have 11000 pictures. I can say that most of them of my kids. I think it is time to go throught them!
