Thursday, July 31, 2008

Before This River, Becomes An Ocean...

This is George. Well actually... This was George at my mom's 50th birthday party. George died on Sunday. George had married my grandma about 5 or 6 years ago. We all really liked him a lot, at times he seemed better then my real grandpa, and then after losing both of mine he was my only grandpa. He was a good man, he had gotten real sick and wasn't getting better. Last week I got an email that my grandmother sent out to everyone, telling us how he couldn't get out of bed and how there was a PSW coming to the house now and a nurse. Also how she and George had discussed him going back to the hospital and how he didn't want that. He said he wished to die at home.

So this week is another viewing and another funeral.

Took my last blood test on Monday. So now I wait til my cycle starts again and call him so I can have a test done where they drop some dye inside and take some x-rays. Then.... my appointment on the 21st to get the results of all these tests I've been taking.

And on the last front... no mortgage without a 15% down payment... which for all you math whizzes out there... about 20K on a 130K house. Niiice. So no house for me.

Oh yeah and one other thing... I got the jolly good news *note the sarcasm* that my mother and sister won't even be around for my birthday so therefore No birthday party for me...

yay... :(

Oh I had a question to ask but I'll ask it tomorrow when I'm not face planting into my keyboard.

1 comment:

Moon said...

Sorry about your loss hun...
I hope your tests go well.
About your family not being around for your bday...well, make it what u want to, do your own party, or go out have fun...I think I was 16 the last bday I had with any family never prevented me from having a good time lol