Monday, January 14, 2013

Weigh In #10

I was not looking forward to doing this weigh in at all this month.

Not only had I not been back to the gym in nearly 4 months but I had (as I've stated plenty of times) been a complete and utter asshole to myself pretty much since November.

So I figured I'd gained weight as well as inches and that was also part of why the depression was coming back full force as well as some other icky things like some gas and some acne and some irritability and also the cramping during my periods.

So after it seemed like some of my bloating went away from my period earlier this month I decided it was now time to finally do my stupid weigh in...(I actually did it 3 or 4 days ago...just getting around to posting it)

I'm really not a happy camper....but not going to complain as I only have myself to blame for these icky results...

Ankles - L 9.5 (same)  R 8.5 (-0.25)
Calves - L 15.5 (+0.25) R 15 (same)
Thighs - L 22 (+1.5) R 22 (+0.5)
Wrists - L 6.25 (same) R 6.25 (-0.25)
Forearms - L 9.25 (-1) R 9.75 (-0.75)
Biceps - L 12.5 (+0.5) R 12.25 (+0.25)

Hips - 41.25 (+1.25)
Belly - 37.5 (-1)
Waist - 33 (-0.5)
Underbust - 33.25 (-0.25)
Overbust - 38.25 (-1.75)
Neck - 14 (same)

Weight - 174.2  (+4.2lbs) *sad face*

So I woke up this morning...not in a good mood at all...there was actually some crying to be had before I left...that's how not good it was (though completely unrelated to my weight or measurements)...I gathered up some clothes and my swipe card...and off to the Y I went to get my workout on.

Needless to say that after 4 months of not a whole lot of activity save for some that happens in the bedroom...I am a bit sore this evening and can only imagine what it's going to be like tomorrow morning when I get up to go back to do some cardio...

The Man and I have decided...full workouts on Monday, Wednesday and Friday...and Cardio on Tuesdays and Thursdays...
I need to find the motivation to get up and go.  It's hard though when most days you don't even want to get out of bed.

I really wanted to talk a bit about my horrible sleep, stupid too realistic dreams, and my sucky mood I said before...I don't feel quite yet that I can relay those sorts of things out there yet...

Needless to say a snuggle with the Man and the reassurance that I'm not a horrible person helped me perk up enough to get my ass to the gym...gotta love him.

I'm also hoping that the exercise will not only help me get back on track to losing weight, toning up and being healthy...but also make me so tired by the end of the day that I pass out and don't remember any of my dreams. My subconscious is an effin' bitch and I wish it would let me sleep in peace.

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