Friday, July 14, 2006

May You Never Realize...

so what happens when you have a friend who turns out to not be a friend at all...

you find out that they talk behind your back, saying utterly rude and nasty and mean things about you...

I found out that I have one of these... you know those ones who act like that they would move the world in order to help you out in a bind but then make sure that you know just how much they did for you so that you are constantly saying thank you...

ya know the ones that say all kinds of nice things about you to your face but tell everyone that you're white trash

the ones who cry broke and borrow money just to find out that they weren't broke at all...

the ones who ask to borrow the phone only after they've helped themselves too it several times before they even thought to ask...

the ones that pester you with their private problems on an important day for you...

the one that no matter what's going on in your life their problems are always bigger...

the one that makes everything about them....

the friend that wants to be in the middle of everything...

you may be thinking that I'm talking one of these traits for different people... oh no... this is all wrapped up in one person...

Sad isn't it that the entire universe has to be wrapped all tightly around this person and that they have to put others down just to feel good about themselves...

I hope they never have to feel the way that I felt when I found out who they really are...

(no this is not about you Squasha or you Paulie or even you Jamie)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why would i think that? i know its always about