Friday, July 01, 2011

Happy Canada Day and Happy 4th of July (dunno if I'll be posting before then)

Leave me by myself and I'll likely do all the girly things I won't do in front of people ;)

This evening after the Boychild left for camp I ... dyed my hair...used that weird cream on my legs so that I wouldn't have to shave (didn't work very well btw)... painted my nails (toes and fingers)... watched The Borgias while munching on chips and long johns... (I can hear the fellatio jokes on that one already) it was a lovely quiet evening...

Boychild almost didn't make it to camp... but confirmed that the doorbell apparently needs it's batteries replaced... he was to be picked up at 6:15pm (the friends that were picking him up are always on time) so at 20 after I started to wonder and would walk out to the front door every so often to check to see if they were here yet... on one such occasion I peeked and saw his truck in the drive... so I called for the Boychild to collect his things and put on his shoes... a moment later I looked out the window again to see the truck start backing out of the drive... ran out and waved and shouted we're here... sorry... Seems he had tried the bell and made his way back to his truck so when I first peeked he was getting into the truck not out of it... whew... close one...

I have been sitting here watching The Borgias while doing all my girly stuffs... and I've just finished watching the other night Game of Thrones... and I think once again that I was born in the wrong century... I have such an affinity for period pieces like those (I know Game of Thrones isn't exactly a specific period in our time but shhh)... another series I loved and watched a couple of times already was The Tudors... I think I would have been alright in that time period... as long as I wasn't a peasant like I am now... lol

The other night Burton picked up Boychild and I on her way home from work and dropped us off at the Mandarin (Chinese Buffet Restaurant - really fucking expensive for us). The Boychild had received a letter from them stating that because he got student of the month he was entitled to a free I could afford the $25 for my own dinner since his was going to be free. (BTW thanks again Burton)
After our little Mum and Me date we walked from there about a mile to the WalMart to pick up a couple of items needed for his camping trip. From there I was going to call a cab for a ride home. So there we are standing outside for our cab when this Jamaican guy comes walking out of WalMart looking like he was heading to another store... but... he stops and tells me that I have beautiful hair... first off picture this... my hair...yes it goes to my waist but it was windblown from the walk to the store, it had at that time about two and a half inches of light brown roots since it hadn't been dyed in a couple of months... so I quirked an eyebrow at his compliment and said thank you politely...thinking of course that he would continue on his way... nope no such luck... he starts talking to me very quietly and standing overly close to me...since he's mumbling and has a thick accent I can't hear him, not to mention I'm not paying him any attention, Boychild was trying to talk to me, cars are going by and people are coming in and out of the store... NastyDude starts telling me I'm beautiful, asks if I live in the city, if I live nearby... I ended up flashing him a ring I wear on my left hand that looks a bit like an engagement ring and saying 'Yeah I live nearby with my husband'... did that deter him any? Nope... then he starts in on how he could treat me good and how I look good... now I'll say this... I have no problems with Jamaicans or Black guys... this one...I surely did!
What sort of nasty ass mother fucker is gonna get all up on me about taking me away from my men right in front of my child!??
I finally turned to him again and said 'No thank you' politely... he seemed surprised and said 'no thank me?' Thankfully I saw the cab and said 'Fuck off and leave me alone' ... srsly?? did it really need to go that far and get to that point where I have to cuss someone out to get away from me...??
Not only was my hair a mess as described... I was wearing baggy ass jeans and a shirt that for once wasn't revealing cleavage and had on my geeky-ass glasses and no makeup... WTF?
I looked like a slob in my books - (thank you btw Big Daddy for thinking I could never look slobby) I was repulsed by the guy.

And then of course I get home and start thinking... really? is that seriously the guys who are attracted to me?? *le sigh*

I'm so thankful to have The Man and Big Daddy... would hate to be in the wading pool again.

Oh well... I must away to bed now as I have to be up at 8 am... blecch.. but get to spend the day with Manchild and Sis... hopefully Manchild isn't still sulking because his father has grounded him for 2 weeks...

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