omfg I'm so tired...
5:30 am... woke up for no reason... laid in bed for nearly two hours trying to go back to sleep...
7:25 am... got up and got the Boychild up and ready for school
8:25am... dropped the Boychild off at school...
8:35am (ish)... went for breakfast with The Man
9:15am (ish)...dropped off the 42" T.V. back at the place where we were rent-to-owning it from
9:55am... go to Best Buy to purchase new 46" T.V. that didn't cost us an arm and a leg and my firstborn...
10:30am(ish)... go to Burton's to drop off her bowl and a dvd
11:05am... go to Belladonna's to drop off her Avon order and pickup money
11:30am(ish)... go to the bank and deposit money
11:45am(ish)... grab a thing of sushi for lunch...have a small picnic in the food court...
12:36pm... went and did my civic duty...voted.
12:50pm... came home...start setting up new T.V.
1:00pm.... realize that we're in need of a cable...and leave again...
2:30pm... get home...put together new T.V. all set up and stuffs are moved around...
3:18 pm... Boychild gets home...makes a sandwich... I start dozing in my chair...
4:45 pm... head to WalMart to get Boychild new shoes...also wander around WalMart...
5:55 pm... take Boychild to karate class and stay there waiting for him...
7:26 pm... get home again and make something quick to feed everyone while packing...
9:27pm... type up blog about how exhausting my day was...
I'll be getting everyone up at the ass crack of dawn (read likely 5am) to head up north to the Man's mother's house where we'll have Thanksgiving with his mom and step dad (who just got home yesterday from the hospital where he had a heart surgery)...
talking about heart surgery...
My next cardiologist appointment is 11/11/11 @ 11am... that had better bring me luck or some shit... considering at that moment I'll be observing two minutes of silent...hope the Doc doesn't the mean time on Oct 24th I have to go for an echo-cardiogram and to get fitted for a 24 hour holter monitor (which is a heart monitor that I obviously have to wear for 24 hours)... after our meeting he'll be seeing about possibly getting me to wear a similar monitor for either a week or two... ooooh so sexy.... *insert eyeroll* ...but anyway... he was a nice guy (the doc) took a 14 year history...and of course wondered why nothing had been done with me from 2006 to 2011... also wondered out loud about why the other cardiologist never put a monitor on me...I kind of wondered that myself... but after I had the ablation in 2006 I went for a check up after 2 months and told her I was still having the episodes and she shook her head and said 'No you're fine now, go on. Oh and lose some weight or you'll be coming back to see me because you have gotten diabetes...' well I can't figure out why oh why I've never been back to see her *insert another eyeroll* you know the comment about my weight hadn't bothered was the fact that she wouldn't believe me that I was still having the episodes...
so yeah...think I'll be going to bed nice and early this evening...
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