So about 10 minutes ago I had just typed up a blog post that was witty and well thought out and so funny..omg so funny... and then when I clicked the button to publish my took me to a fucking 404 error and lost my post..ok so thanks a lot there blogger I think your autosaving sort of dropped the ball on that one...*le sigh*
So now you get it straight and to the point...
I had my doctor's appointment on the 28th of February...had the doctor tell me that I need to lost 100lbs...(I've decided that I don't need to lose that much but that yes I will be losing a big chunk of weight.)
he also told me that I have a sugar allergy I am to eat nothing but meat and veg... no more wheat, no more sugar, nothing that can be made into hard no potatoes, sweet potatoes, beets, corn...etc...
I also have loose joints which is what has caused a misalignment in my hips which has been causing me pain in my hips and I've been doing these stretches that he has told me to do to realign myself every day...since my appointment I haven't had to take any baclofen...
every so often I'll groan as I think of all the stuff I can't eat made me sad for the first couple of days...and I didn't want to talk about it with really anyone...
the doctor is super uber cool...
it really is too bad that blogger ate my other post...I was much happier with that post...
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