Friday, March 16, 2012

Did It...Without Falling!!

Holy crap that was awesome...

ok so I had a busy day yesterday and didn't really post but ... omg look!!

So yeah my gear came in yesterday morning... I had only had a couple of hours asleep and was woken up by the Man coming into the bedroom with a big box in his arms...and I swear since I was half asleep he was more excited then I was...I was pulling each piece out of the box and sort of going ooo and ahh...and suddenly he has everything out of the box...

I was stoked and put all my stuff on while still in my pajamas...yup..and then almost fell on my face in the living room...

I was excited as well because I knew that there was going to be a practice again at the ball hockey rink this (from 4 to 6pm)

So last night Parker came over and we were talking over tea... and Burton couldn't make it over for tea so we got together today before she had work and before I walked the 2kms to the ball hockey rink...

We were sad because Burton had to work this evening so she wasn't going to be able to make it to the practice...

So the Man and I walked to the rink and I strapped on all my gear and I managed to stand up and not fall right back down...

and I held the wall all the way around my first few times...

and then I looked like a baby giraffe as I tried really hard to keep upright on my skates while not holding the wall...

I was impressed with my improvement over the two steps...but going to be lots of work...going to have to stop stopping by just running into the wall...especially since there isn't any walls around the track... going to have to stop looking down...and going to have to remember to stay loose...

At one point I ran right into the Man and laughed as I told him that my ass is going to be awesome...why? because it was screaming to know wtf I was doing to and no I wasn't falling on it :)

I had two close calls where a leg slipped out from under me and I went down on one knee but... no out and out slamming myself on the floor of the rink...

I was so excited...when I came home I had said to the kids that I didn't feel quite as sore as I thought I would and the Manchild looked at me and said 'You actually seem to have more energy then when you left...'

I hadn't really noticed but he was right....I felt great...and as weird as it sounds...I felt alive... so... this seems like it's going to be a good thing...

We found out that the rink isn't used during the day and the guy who runs it is really nice...he's pretty much said that as long as there isn't games being played (ball hockey that is) then we can come out to practice at the rinks...

So I'm going to head over there tomorrow for some more practice time ... I'm going to need it... and hopefully I'll drop the weight I need to quickly, while doing something I like :)

I have to admit that I don't find the pics of me from today very flattering in the least and almost didn't post them...but...hey...maybe it's a good way to watch my improvement...


I was going to post about my doctors appointment as well... but I'm really tired right now so I'm heading to bed...maybe tomorrow I'll post about my follow up... :)

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