Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Weigh In #9

Had pictures taken last night for a Derby Calendar.
So I was putting off this months weigh in because I know that I've been an asshole to myself this past month which means there will be either absolutely no change in anything or if anything there will be a lot of + signs next to my measurements....

That and I still have my dreadfalls in from doing my team picture yesterday for derby...which these dreadfalls definitely add a couple of pounds...lol

well here comes the moment of truth...

Ankles - L 9.5 (+0.5) R 8.75 (+0.75)
Calves - L 15.25 (+0.25) R 15 (-0.25)
Thighs - L 20.5 (-2.5) R 21.5 (-1.5)
Wrists - L 6.25 (+0.25) R 6.5 (+0.5)
Forearms - L 10.25 (+0.25) R 10.5 (+0.5)
Biceps - L 12 (-0.5) R 12 (-0.5)

Hips - 40 (same)
Belly - 38.5 (+0.5)
Waist - 33.5 (+0.5)
Underbust - 33.5 (+0.5)
this one makes me look weird cause I'm all twisted...
But I was trying to show off my socks.
Overbust - 40 (same)
Neck - 14 (+0.5)

Weight 170lbs (-1lb)

Ayup...from looking at those figures it truly paid off for me to be an asshole...that is... if I was looking to put on some inches...

What I'm trying to figure out though is, why it is I would lose 4 inches on my thighs but sort of gain everywhere else...I find that rather fascinating...

I'm going to try and be less of an asshole during the holidays...even though I've still been drinking hot chocolate...I can't help it though...ever since I was a little kid...cold weather meant hot chocolate.

so my two 'fuck you asshole' foods are sushi and hot chocolate...lol

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