Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Doc Awesome

I called Dr Awesome's office today... I've not seen him since October...

I'm terrified.

I'm shaking...my insides are shaking...which is not a cool feeling. I have a quivering feeling inside my chest, which gets my heart all retarded.
My stomach is a mess... it hurts and I'm nauseous all the time...
I had the bright idea this morning of taking 1 gravol to help calm my stomach so I could go about my day... yeah...no. It knocked me on my ass and put me to sleep for 5 hours...which was probably good because I haven't been sleeping well.
But didn't do anything for my nausea because I woke up this afternoon still feeling light headed and pukey...

I've managed to eat some salad that was leftover from the weekend...but when I finished it... the nauseous feeling got worse...

I need to leave in 15 minutes to go to my derby practice...I'm practising with the Freshmeat tonight because I think it would be beneficial for getting my wheels back under me...and I'm hoping it's not as intense so that I can make it through the whole practice.

So yeah I have an appointment with Dr Awesome...however it's not until March 9th...

The only thing (besides stress) that I can relate all this health crap to is that the last weekend of January I sort of overdid it with the sugar...

So here's to me sorting this shit out so it'll stop me from doing stupid things...because it always cranks my anxiety up to high when shit starts going down.

More later about how I fair at practice while feeling this off.

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