Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I Am...

What  to say...

I'm fairly straightforward with people. I tell you what I need right up front. Honesty and straightforwardness are two things I require in any sort of relationship...whether I am mother, daughter, wife, friend, lover, sister, or acquaintance... these are the two things that I expect.
I don't see how these things have to be asked for and not just freely given.

When you lie to me I know... I will not always call you out on it... I'll likely nod and just mhm quietly... making a mental note that I can no longer trust you.

Say what you mean. Mean what you say.

Life is so much easier. Do not worry about hurting  feelings if it is  the truth that you speak. You hurt others with lies and disrespect.

Life goes on. Fun shall be had.

Going forward in my life I'll be making some changes... they've already started.

More fun... fucking... and skating...

I've changed my derby name. So I am no longer Raenbow Slash... I am Taboma.
The next 4 Fridays I'll be driving to Kitchener to get some skating help from some of the Tri-City Roller Girls...
I've decided I'm going to get up to Ancaster and get some skating help from the girls from HARD...
I've put my all into planning for the new intake for my league...
Also sent in and offered my help for aome upcoming fundraisers as well...
I'm sure I'm likely to complain about all sorts of it in the days to

My health...
I do have an appointment with Dr Awesome on the 2nd of March...
My stomach has been much better since this past Monday... (family day).
Some mornings it is a bit touchy still...but the full blown nauseousness I had been feeling is gone. The smell of food cooking doesn't make me feel like I want to puke. I can cook again without mouth breathing to try not to smell it.
My shakes have subsided...and I haven't dropped anything in at least a few days.
Now if only I could get away from at least one of my addictions...the most harmful being the sugars.
The other...not as harmful...actually much much more pleasurable.

My love life...
Ah well...that's a bit of a story...which I'm not telling right now.

I'm looking for a job. I probably will go back to the farm and do more fruit packing...but I do need to find something else as well.
Need some monies for derby stuff...for passport...for activities...for the car.... oh for lots of things...

Until I can find a rich sugar daddy who just wants to lavish me with gifts and money just for being cute and keeping him company...I'll have to find another way....lmao

I have finished some commisioned pieces that I was knitting. Now I'd like to make myself something.

I have thoughts on a few things that I need to really sit down and type up...instead of updating via my phone...would make typing out a post so much easier.

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