Saturday, January 08, 2005

Your Mother Was A Hamster and Your Father Smelled of Elderberries...

ok so it's Saturday and not Friday... So sue me... we signed no contract....

there's really not much to say about training except that we are all slowly going hysterically insane...
I mean we knew I was insane before hand... but still...

I'm locked in a room with 26 other people for 8 hours a day 5 days a week (thus far) we read modules, we look at the systems, we play bumper cars with our rolling swivelling office chairs, we make fun of the Boogereater (who blatantly picks his nose, rolls it inbetween his two fingers then either puts it in his mouth or rubs his beard with his hand...) we write emails to the people we know "on the outside" (inner office email only...blecch) we break every hour to smoke our brains out... there's four people I sit by that I talk too every day... Drummer who is his name... he drums on the desk all day, Forgetful who is late, never knows what we are doing and is constantly asking the other three of us questions that we don't know the answers too because...we're in training for the same thing he is, Worrier, she is constantly worried that she's going to fail and that she has to miss 8 days of school because of the training and about her car and and and... The Major, you'll recognize him from other posts he is my supervisor, he's in the training as well since he's going to be our sup, he types like a madman

The other day Drummer was drumming, The Major was typing and Forgetful was (for some ungodly reason) was flicking his monitor with his finger... (The Major sits next to Drummer, I sit on the other side of Drummer, Forgetful sits next to me and Worrier sits on the other side of him) I had only two hours of sleep... I wanted to kill them all... I smacked Forgetful and said stop it... then turned to Drummer and The Major and said... one of you two needs to stop... since The Major was doing work he said that it had to be Drummer.... I said I didn't care as long as there was only one annoying noise at a time...
So now everytime The Major stops typing Drummer starts drumming... *rolls eyes* at least thats some progress...

In the training itself... I'm learning how to help people with connection problems, getting their email set back up and learning anything else that might pop up on a cable tech support call....

All in all it's interesting stuff that I should already know because of all the problems I've had with my computer and have asked others about...

Jamie and Squig should be able to breath a sigh of relief that I won't be bothering them too much any more with crap like that...

(training crap over with for now)

I just finished watching the stupidest movie... eek! it was called Trick or Treat... it promotes that it has Gene Simmons and Ozzy Osbourne in it.... you see both of them for five minutes each... if that. Gene Simmons plays a radio DJ (not too much of a stretch I guess) but Ozzy plays an evanglist who is against Rock Music... that was funny... he has his hair back (it looked short) a white dress shirt, black tailored vest and a black tie on... holy shit it was funny... it's supposed to be some scary movie... it definately was a B movie if I've ever seen it... the lead character was played by Marc Price... if you're thinking to yourself "hey that name sounds a lil familiar"....if you ever watched the 80's tv show, Familt Ties with Micheal J Fox in it... Marc Price played his goofy next door neighbour named 'Skippy'... I knew it was going to be bad as soon as I saw him... LOL

Last night however, I watched Troy with Raistlan and damn... now that (I thought) was a good movie... Brad Pitt could have done a better job... but I still liked it.

I hate my hours and my schedule... Raistlan works 8-4 from Tues to Sat and I work from 8-4 Mon-Fri... I don't like it... my Friday is his Thursday... My Saturday is his Friday and My Sunday is his Saturday.... so much for staying up late and having wonderfully long sessions of monkey lovings straight thru til morning on weekends... *sigh* oh well I guess theres always Bob...

Oh well not much else to say.... guess I'll post later...

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