Tuesday, March 01, 2005

He Just Sits And Stares....

Couple of things...

As of March 12th my blog will be a year old... dayum... how time changes in a year...
I just realized today when I came to my blog to go to all the journals I regularly visit which are located at the side----->
(shameless plug for all the blogs I read)
and I realized that my archive started March 2004... so I went in and checked the actual date that it started...
this blog has seen three templates... (completely different colours and such)... 2 men... two countries... 2 apartments... 1 house... blah blah blah...
so I think to celebrate my blogs birthday I want to go to The Moose and Goose and go see Theory of a Deadman... (hint hint Raistlan) LMAO

*watching the snow fall non-stop out the window*

It's amazing how many people you'll see drive in and out of the beer store even on a shitty day like today...

3 attacks in less than 72 hours has lit a fire under my ass... I called the doctor this morning.. I have an apointment this afternoon at 3:45pm... now I'm just hoping that my mom can get here from work and then down to Fort Erie in enough time so I'm not late for the appointment...

I woke up Raistlan last night at 1 o'clock... telling him the keyword that makes him jump out of bed and run into the kitchen even if he is fast asleep.... "Freezer"
he jumped up got me my trusty bag of frozen peas...
I made him keep his hand over my heart throughout the whole ordeal... I was trying very hard to calm it down.... in the end I held my breath pushed really hard let out a yell felt the pop in my chest and immediately stopped being able o feel my heart beat... i asked him if he felt the pop in my chest... he said he couldn't.... I have been wondering if you would be able too on the outside of my chest... I gave the peas back to Raistlan who went and put them back in the freezer... I was so exhausted afterwards I could barely lift my head... I must've passed out.
so that was last night... I also had one Saturday morning while Raistlan was at work... not going to get into that one... and then this morning I was in that state between sleep and wakefulness... when I immediately woke up with my heart racing... I closed my eyes and started breathing deeply... so this mornings was no where near as bad as the others... but still.....

I've been drifting along on the edge of this cliff that is my attacks...for sometime now... so I think its finally time I go and talk to the doctor about them again... before Raistlan bundles me up and throws me over his shoulder and walks me to the hospital... LOL

so anyway... thats my life in a nutshell right now...I'm trying to keep my heart from exploding and my brain from melting...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While it would be a somewhat amusing sight to see Raistlain bundle you up and throw you over his shoulder, I'm glad you're going to the doctor.