Monday, October 24, 2005

If you start me up, If you start me up I’ll never stop

ok so I guess I should give you an up date on the car... lol
I was pissed did I happen to mention that in my last post?

ok so I hear from the mechanic today and he tells me that what is wrong with the car is it needs a ignition coil assembly and a module .... hmm ok.... this is what he told Raistlan the other day when Raistlan was in there as well... however he also told Raistlan that they would have to call a wreckers to get the part because they don't have... Canadian Tire doesn't have an auto part??

Anyway I couldn't find online the exact one for our car... which happens to be a 1992 (yes thats not a typo...don't ask about the year of our car...I'll likely blow a gasket if you do) Oldsmobile Achieva S it's silver...

but anyway, the glowing thing from under the car "looks like" it was the converter which apparently will get fucked up if the ignition assembly gets messed up... I dunno how those dots connect but I don't care... I'll keep my eye on it when we get the car back....

So yeah he called me and told me that it will cost almost $400 dollars... thats including the estimate we got done as well... oh I would love to be a mechanic... lol so much for rent this month...
oh well we'll figure something out...
so theres the update ;)

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