Monday, May 14, 2012


first off here goes my 'oh woe is me...'

I woke up this morning...(Mother's Day) feeling ill...sore throat, stuffed sinuses, chills and sweats, headache...
ontop of the fact that last night I took a spill at derby practice that jolted my arm pretty's been feeling kinda tweaked all been feeling like a bag of warm mushy shit today... (end of woe is me...)

Every so often I'm reminded of human nature...there's all sorts of facets to human nature and one of which is that we do not like to be matter how much we'll deal with being by one truly craves to always be by themselves...

So we tend to us each other to try to abate that loneliness and sometimes forget that we all actually have feelings and after helping to relieve someone's loneliness the person that was used feeling a bit of a void...

I need to remember to watch out for that in the future.

so yeah...other then that...

Derby's been going well...painful at times...I'm not exactly happy with the team I've been put kinda diggin' the name of my team...just not all of my team mates... I'm on the Seaway Sirens.

Me in one of my Bout-fits...we were at a public event handing out flyers about our upcoming bouts. (one day I'll stop thinking about how fat I look in pictures)
I'm a little worried about minimums that are coming up in the next couple of weeks...there's still so much that I need to work on...especially the two footed jump...
I'm finding that I now have a thing for that I'm having to wear them I want all the coolest knee

The Man and I went out the other day and we were looking at some cars, then last Thursday we went and test drove a car from one of the lots from down the street that was in our price range that I liked. It's brakes need to be replaced but other then that it's in good shape. Only ever had one owner, never been in an accident and has no liens on they're (the car dealership) going to fix the brakes, make sure it passes a safety and they're going to e-test it...we'll be able to pick it up sometime this week...
Pics to follow.

My "new" computer had to go back to the store I bought it from... I got a refund as it started to do the same thing to the guy at the store... so I went out and got a better computer... definitely happier with this one...
I can now play all the games I've just been wanting to play...
My pretty new monitor...and finally figured out how to get rid of the recycling box!

Went to the doctor's again...he's really proud of me...told me to stick with rollerskating for's doing good things for me...and that soon I'll be able to crush a man between my
He's having to give me new stretches though...because I told him that when I lay on my back and try to bring my knee to my bicep...I'm now having to move my arm out of the way because my knee can go all the way to the floor under my I'm having to have the Man help me out in the mornings...

I was putting up some pics on facebook tonight and finally sort of went...ok I can see some changes...from the first pic I put up of my first day on the pic I just put up tonight of me (above)

My head is really mushy so I think I'm done here for the night...

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