Friday, May 25, 2012

Life Goes On...

This stupid cough won't go away...I'm not on the anti-biotics cooch is very happy about that...and my sinuses seem to be fine...but this stupid cough is hanging on for dear life it seems...which's affecting my skating...went out the other morning to work on my endurance and ended up hacking up a makes me a little nervous as I have one week from today to get up to par for minimums...

Yes I am still worried about them...Big Daddy told me not to be that I was going to do fine and even if I didn't pass it wouldn't be the end of the world...and I agree that yes in theory the world will not end and I will not die if I don't pass...but it will still make me feel very sad and that I'm not good enough...after last nights meeting and hearing a couple of horror stories from last weeks batch for minimums...maybe I should have just done it last week...just to get it over with...but I didn't feel as though I were ready enough to take them...although I'm sure if I felt ready I would end up on my ass...*shrugs*
I dunno... I'll go and do my stuff (hopefully without falling)...for the endurance part I'll pop in my ipod and just go for it as best I can...
I'll try to stop losing sleep over it...

the latest uproar with derby seems to be the colours/jerseys/logos/practices/money... lol
so like everything...depending on who you talk to depends on which complaint you'll get... with's money... we were promised they wouldn't just drop it on us a day before money is due for stuff...and I was fine with that...get into a schedule and routine about monthly dues and it shouldn't be an issue...

what was an issue for me was...we were told it would be $60 for our shirts and to bring it to the girl in charge of it at next 2 days before...turns out that didn't we got an email yesterday telling us that the shirt cost is now like $88 or 86 or something like that ($85.88 - just checked)  because we have to have two shirts...umm why?? this is a 'house' league...that's not really a home and wtf?? and ontop of that all dues have to be paid before the a lot of us took that as 'Hi...We need $125.88 on Friday' we got the email there was a bit of an uproar...I too was in that uproar...I was just uproaring at the Man and a little bit to Burton...and listened to a bit more uproaring at my meeting later on last thought this morning? - fuck it...if I have the money then I'll give it to them...if I don't then I explain to them that I can get it to them but that I don't have just a few hundred bucks sitting around or anyone I can borrow it from... turns out...I will have it...but they need to stop dropping expensive shit on us with 2 days it is they set it up that we pay $60 of our shirts now so that they can be ordered...and then the remainder of it when they're about to be shipped...

I'm just really thankful that the Man isn't a fucking asshole...he could've told me to go fuck myself when it came to trying to get the money for this...

Talking about that though...he needs to stop acting like a fucking asshole...snapping at me today like he's some sort of pissed off turtle...snapping at the Boychild... because the two of them are exactly the snap at them and they will start snapping back...vicious cycle...this morning...don't know wtf was wrong with him but he was just giving me attitude until he left...I knew if I snapped back at him though it would have been me snapping a fist into his just stayed calm and tried to not give him attitude...

now I don't remember what else I was going to talk about... so I'm going to go to the store because I need some elastics for my hair and I'm feeling ill... so...I'll write more later if I am so inclined...

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