Thursday, July 12, 2012

X-rays, Derby and Carcassonne...Oh My!


So went to the Ortho Clinic on Tuesday and the doc says I'm ok to start putting a little bit of weight on my left foot. He said to start with like 10% of my weight and slowly over the next three weeks until I see him again at the clinic.

Still using my crutches of course to help steady me as I start walking leg feels weird...almost like my left leg is too long to stand properly on both feet...very odd...

I also picked up my x-rays from the hospital so that I could check out my hardware...

July 10th 2012
I also don't have to wear the air cast to bed anymore...that makes me happy...that thing is really uncomfortable...can shower without plastic bags being hopefully that means I can now go swimming...will be a great way to get some of my leg muscles back in working order....

July 11th 2012
right now it feels like braille where all the staples are... I hate to look at the incision site... I think it's ugly...
and it's so tender...sensitive...blah...

Anyway...doing well and healing nicely...physically.

In other derby bout is this coming Saturday...gonna go and help out and watch...

then Monday have to drive out to the Winery and help out for the showing of Derby Baby...a project that I backed back in May...after all the viewings of the movie are finished (all over the world) I'll be getting a copy of it...

the Boychild, the Man and myself pulled out our Carcassonne game the other night and we taught the Boychild how to play it...he really enjoyed it...I did as well... :) we'll have to play it more often...



mhthaker said...
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Anonymous said...

get well soon.
rachita from fxxlife
u r keeping busy in fruitful activities so its best
keep it up