Thursday, May 26, 2005

Comedy = Death + Time

So I've decided there are three distinct people from work I'd like to jump on and ride...and the great thing is... they will all be living in the same house soon... >:)

but anyway... enough of that LOL

Because seriously there are more than just those three... but damn I thought what a great night that would be >:)

ok I'm officially evil... :D

so much so that my Tim Hortons tea is now an extra large 2 cream 4 sugar and 1 tablespoon of evil :D

So to give you the update.... I'm back in training again this week from 4pm til midnight for CC Tier (Internet) ... it's so boring that I want to poke my eyes out with hot pokers
the trainer reads straight out of a manual... and is a huge stickler about shit...

Had an interesting vision during training today...(hmm can it be a "vision" if you didn't actually "see" it but heard it instead?) there was somebody I know walking/hiking through the woods...and he wasn't by himself...but it was a beautiful day out and he started chasing (playfully) his girlfriend through the woods...and he fell over a root that was sticking out of the ground...he twisted his ankle so badly that he fractured it slightly....

so yeah that was crazy...

So yeah I think thats all I have tonight...


Anonymous said...

I have to ask, who are the three?

The Witch Doctor said...

oh ho ho ho..
I can't tell ya that... sine I know that you know them all... LMAO

Anonymous said...

And that makes a difference!?! not that i know many people there, more people seem to know me....

The Witch Doctor said...

Nah it's definately that you know them :D
well maybe one of them you don't know as well as the other... but still :D