Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Oy Vey Doctors....
Alright so update is.. had two people go :O and get a little upset about the cutting of the hair... hey I needed a trim!
*laughs* to quote a friend of mine "a trim? 6-7 inches is not a trim!"
Anyway no Raistlan didn't faint.. I do believe I saw tears well up in his eyes tho... ;)
So yesterday I went to the doctors office for the dreaded PAP test...
it's taken three months of back and forth with the doctors office to get a freakin' appointment...
So we (Sis, Raistlan and I) all had appointments booked for yesterday morning...
oh yeah... morning! we all know how much I Loooove mornings...
so we drag our asses out of bed.. Sis picks us up at 9:30 ish... and we drive the 40 mins or so to get to the doctors office...
So as far as I remember Sis was booked for 10:30, Raistlan for 10:45 and myself for 11am
At 10 to 11 Recptionist calls Sis over to the window and asks if it would be ok if they rescheduled all of us to another day... the doc had surgery in the morning and he won't be in til 11:30 and would like to be out of the office again at 12:15pm...
So Sis givez them this look and turns to me and says "they want to reschedule all of us" I believe my first reaction was 'fuck that'... anyway... Sis goes off about how it's taken all of us months to get into see him to begin with, how she had to take work off and we were already there... had to say was applauding her...
So we waited... Keenan had to miss school because of it... but we just wouldn't have been able to get him to school...
So he ended up seeing the three of us and two other ladies and still got out of there with 10 minutes left to spare...
So yeah that was my yesterday... today I'm just chillin' I think I slept funny on my poor arm... my right arm and shoulder feel funny... right across the back of my shoulders over to the left shoulder...
nothing a good shower (after doing my hair) won't fix...
I hate going for a PAP test. I usually sit in the waiting room for 3 hours, and then when I finally make it back, I know the nurse, and she wants to conversate will my legs are up in stirrups, and my poons out for the world to see.
It's my turn in 2 weeks. LIke everyone else I know, I HATE it but I will NOT miss it. After losing my best friend to cervical cancer when she was only 38 yrs old only because she didn't get a pap test for 8 was too late when she finally did. She was dead within a yr of finding out.
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