Friday, June 20, 2008

The Day Has Finally Come!!

I have slowly over the last 10 years or so been brainwashed, molded and been shown how to be a true geek.

From learning about computer software,
the differences in OS's,
to the hardware and putting together computers on my own now,
shopping and having a wishlist on,
play online text based rp'ing games and staff on one!

I have been rising through the ranks of geekdom and have completed my geek training. Today I was awarded my reward for completing my training and embracing completely my geekhood.


So yes I now have my glasses and the man now has his as well...

*cue graduation music*

I'm ready to take on my advance geek training... switching to Linux, making snide remarks about Microsoft, complaining that not everyone uses linux and linux based programs and try to convert all whom I come into contact with, reading/writing/and understanding all programming languages and make jokes about those who don't, and writing my own rpg!!

And then and only then after graduating from my schooling for Advanced Geekdom then I will be able to wear the coveted Pocket Protector!!

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