Thursday, May 31, 2012

Last Weekend...

here we go since I have a little bit before the Boychild has to go to karate...

there's a grading at his club tonight so we're all going to watch him...

ok so I don't remember what I posted in my last post...

I've been off my skates since last Friday....I took a fall (Burton kicked my ass) and tweaked my knee...continued skating and we ended up doing suicides....bit differently then you would do off each line you had to do something it was double knee falls, mountain climbers and then double knee falls again...when I did my first double knee fall I realized that I didn't just tweak my knee like I had thought...I finished up the suicides by doing the double knee fall starting with my right leg going down rather then my left... (it was the left one that I had tweaked)...did the cool down with everyone else... came home and iced my knee and tried not to cry when I had to walk somewhere...

Saturday morning it was still bothering after going to the karate tournament I went to the walk in told me to RICE it....Rest Ice Compression and Elevate) and to get x-rays done on Monday and come back in and see him on I did that.

Zuulie-Bear and I at the Purina Walk For Dog Guides on Sunday.
Got the x-rays done...did my annual blood tests as well...on Tuesday went back and talked to the same doc...nothing in my knee is broken or fractured...however... he said that it was written in the report that there is a good chance that I have something called Osgood-Schlatter - '... an irritation of the patellar ligament at the tibial tuberosity.' (in short)

He said it would be a good idea to take another week off my skates...not something I wanted to hear since my minimums testing was supposed to be tomorrow...thankfully Lock was really cool about it saying that we'll figure something out for that and to just rest up my this coming Tuesday I have to go down to my GP and get the ok to get back on my skates...and talk to him further about my options with this Osgood-Schlatter shit...really don't want to have to quit derby...

still on the derby front... this back and forth bullshit about whose job is whose is really effin' bothersome...and I firmly believe that Fundraising and Sponsorship should have never been lumped together and should have two separate committees for them...

our first fundraiser is on Saturday...just a 'come listen to a band and maybe win a prize' type of low key in the way of planning...but can't to notice that there's a lot of things have been so blown out of proportion in regards to so many things... 
I just keep shaking my head at it all...

I can't wait until Sunday.

Boychild after just finishing his kata.

As I said...on Saturday the Boychild had his karate tournament...again he received 2nd place for his kumite...he was disappointed that he did his kata perfectly and yet still again 3 girls got the first prizes...even though a couple of them made mistakes...he was a good sport about it...

Boychild (blue gloves) during one of his kumite bouts.

I'd say not bad for his 3rd tournament...he's won something at that makes him happy. Me too.

I'll have to see about getting some pics with him (hopefully - getting his yellow belt tonight)

(When I get the ok to go back on my skates I'm going to see about finally going back as well)

hrm...that's all I've got for now...

Friday, May 25, 2012

Life Goes On...

This stupid cough won't go away...I'm not on the anti-biotics cooch is very happy about that...and my sinuses seem to be fine...but this stupid cough is hanging on for dear life it seems...which's affecting my skating...went out the other morning to work on my endurance and ended up hacking up a makes me a little nervous as I have one week from today to get up to par for minimums...

Yes I am still worried about them...Big Daddy told me not to be that I was going to do fine and even if I didn't pass it wouldn't be the end of the world...and I agree that yes in theory the world will not end and I will not die if I don't pass...but it will still make me feel very sad and that I'm not good enough...after last nights meeting and hearing a couple of horror stories from last weeks batch for minimums...maybe I should have just done it last week...just to get it over with...but I didn't feel as though I were ready enough to take them...although I'm sure if I felt ready I would end up on my ass...*shrugs*
I dunno... I'll go and do my stuff (hopefully without falling)...for the endurance part I'll pop in my ipod and just go for it as best I can...
I'll try to stop losing sleep over it...

the latest uproar with derby seems to be the colours/jerseys/logos/practices/money... lol
so like everything...depending on who you talk to depends on which complaint you'll get... with's money... we were promised they wouldn't just drop it on us a day before money is due for stuff...and I was fine with that...get into a schedule and routine about monthly dues and it shouldn't be an issue...

what was an issue for me was...we were told it would be $60 for our shirts and to bring it to the girl in charge of it at next 2 days before...turns out that didn't we got an email yesterday telling us that the shirt cost is now like $88 or 86 or something like that ($85.88 - just checked)  because we have to have two shirts...umm why?? this is a 'house' league...that's not really a home and wtf?? and ontop of that all dues have to be paid before the a lot of us took that as 'Hi...We need $125.88 on Friday' we got the email there was a bit of an uproar...I too was in that uproar...I was just uproaring at the Man and a little bit to Burton...and listened to a bit more uproaring at my meeting later on last thought this morning? - fuck it...if I have the money then I'll give it to them...if I don't then I explain to them that I can get it to them but that I don't have just a few hundred bucks sitting around or anyone I can borrow it from... turns out...I will have it...but they need to stop dropping expensive shit on us with 2 days it is they set it up that we pay $60 of our shirts now so that they can be ordered...and then the remainder of it when they're about to be shipped...

I'm just really thankful that the Man isn't a fucking asshole...he could've told me to go fuck myself when it came to trying to get the money for this...

Talking about that though...he needs to stop acting like a fucking asshole...snapping at me today like he's some sort of pissed off turtle...snapping at the Boychild... because the two of them are exactly the snap at them and they will start snapping back...vicious cycle...this morning...don't know wtf was wrong with him but he was just giving me attitude until he left...I knew if I snapped back at him though it would have been me snapping a fist into his just stayed calm and tried to not give him attitude...

now I don't remember what else I was going to talk about... so I'm going to go to the store because I need some elastics for my hair and I'm feeling ill... so...I'll write more later if I am so inclined...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Weigh In #3

Well here we inches as always

Ankles R-8.75 (-0.25)  L-8.75 (-1)
Calves R-15 (-1.75) L-15.5 (-1)
Thighs R-24 (-2)  L-24.5 (-0.5)
Forearms R-9.5 (-0.5) L-9 (-1.75)
Biceps R-12 (-0.25)  L-12 (-1)

Hips 44 (-0.5)
Belly 41.5 (-1.25)
Waist 34.5 (-2.75)
Under Bust 35 (-1)
Over Bust  41 (-3.5)
Neck 14.75 (-0.75)

Weight 194.00lbs (-3.12lbs)

It's nice to see that all of them went down...Yay me.

Monday, May 14, 2012


first off here goes my 'oh woe is me...'

I woke up this morning...(Mother's Day) feeling ill...sore throat, stuffed sinuses, chills and sweats, headache...
ontop of the fact that last night I took a spill at derby practice that jolted my arm pretty's been feeling kinda tweaked all been feeling like a bag of warm mushy shit today... (end of woe is me...)

Every so often I'm reminded of human nature...there's all sorts of facets to human nature and one of which is that we do not like to be matter how much we'll deal with being by one truly craves to always be by themselves...

So we tend to us each other to try to abate that loneliness and sometimes forget that we all actually have feelings and after helping to relieve someone's loneliness the person that was used feeling a bit of a void...

I need to remember to watch out for that in the future.

so yeah...other then that...

Derby's been going well...painful at times...I'm not exactly happy with the team I've been put kinda diggin' the name of my team...just not all of my team mates... I'm on the Seaway Sirens.

Me in one of my Bout-fits...we were at a public event handing out flyers about our upcoming bouts. (one day I'll stop thinking about how fat I look in pictures)
I'm a little worried about minimums that are coming up in the next couple of weeks...there's still so much that I need to work on...especially the two footed jump...
I'm finding that I now have a thing for that I'm having to wear them I want all the coolest knee

The Man and I went out the other day and we were looking at some cars, then last Thursday we went and test drove a car from one of the lots from down the street that was in our price range that I liked. It's brakes need to be replaced but other then that it's in good shape. Only ever had one owner, never been in an accident and has no liens on they're (the car dealership) going to fix the brakes, make sure it passes a safety and they're going to e-test it...we'll be able to pick it up sometime this week...
Pics to follow.

My "new" computer had to go back to the store I bought it from... I got a refund as it started to do the same thing to the guy at the store... so I went out and got a better computer... definitely happier with this one...
I can now play all the games I've just been wanting to play...
My pretty new monitor...and finally figured out how to get rid of the recycling box!

Went to the doctor's again...he's really proud of me...told me to stick with rollerskating for's doing good things for me...and that soon I'll be able to crush a man between my
He's having to give me new stretches though...because I told him that when I lay on my back and try to bring my knee to my bicep...I'm now having to move my arm out of the way because my knee can go all the way to the floor under my I'm having to have the Man help me out in the mornings...

I was putting up some pics on facebook tonight and finally sort of went...ok I can see some changes...from the first pic I put up of my first day on the pic I just put up tonight of me (above)

My head is really mushy so I think I'm done here for the night...

Friday, May 04, 2012

and besides weight stuff...

Sometimes I just wish I could teleport myself to Big Daddy's so that I could get a big hug and kiss, maybe a short cuddle from him and then come home again...

Last night was one of those nights...just really kinda need a Big Daddy hug... and not just any hug would do... some of those nights are when I'lend him a quick text just sort of saying love you or some variation of that...and on those nights that I need that big hug it's like he knows and sends me back a quick text...

last nights made me smile...there's nothing like having someone you love telling you that they love you...

and somehow he thinks he doesn't do anything for me...

ok...enough of the mushy stuffs...

got my new wheels...yay! rolling around the living room and kitchen makes me think I'm gonna like 'em a lot...had to go out and get new bearings for them...but that's ok that just means that I have two full sets of wheels for my skates...still in need of some knee gaskets but...meh...

went out and got a new computer the other day...YAY!! now I can play the games I've been wanting to for the last year...I sad right? so with the new tower I as also spoiled and was given a new monitor as well...a pretty 23" LED...ooooh pretty...

bought tickets to go see the Avengers on Tues...we were going to go tomorrow (looks at clock...err today) but way too much money...however tomorrow (err today) is the Man's birthday...that's his gift...going to the movies to watch a comic book movie...the past few years they've had Marvel movies that came out on his birthday...Ironman and Ironman 2 are two that I can remember....

he's 37 tomorrow (today) told him it's almost time for me to trade him in for 2 20 year olds...few more

had a lovely time at Burton's the other night for a little Beltane was The Man, myself, Burton, Boychild and ZombieGal...

ever since the Boychild's last tournament and helping him out for the week beforehand I've been thinking about possibly going back to martial would definitely help out with a workout for me, help me regain all of my flexibility, would be something I could do with the Boychild, as well I'm finding myself missing it...I think I'm going to email Sensei Neil and find out how much it would cost for me to join up...I'd be starting out at a green belt which is where I left off when I left to do dancing full yeah...haven't said anything to the man yet...going to find out how much it might cost first... considering I already am paying a monthly membership dues to roller derby...

we'll see how it goes...still have to pay out the money to go to Red Spiral...hopefully KG...and of course trip to Reno...