End of August I was doing something that caused an odd sensation in my left shoulder... I didn't really think about it too much at the time. I just shrugged off the wee bit of pain for the few days afterward, figuring it was just tender from whatever happened...
Fast forward to today...
Every movement of my arm has been causing me to wince in extreme pain. I've asked the Man to remind me on Monday to call the doctor so that I can make an appointment.
According to his doctor you should be able to put your hand behind your back and lift your hand to just above where your bra strap would be (if you're a woman)... If you can't do that you have either muscle weakness or a shoulder injury.
I put my left hand behind my back and lift it to the small of my back and I'm ready to cry. So yeah... I'm thinking I fucked up my shoulder...
And no I'm not going to tell you what I was doing when I messed up my shoulder... :P
Went to Ollie's funeral today... it was alright... very Christian... if I had of thought of it I would have started to count how many times he said God during the service because man it seemed like a million. Though I have to say he impressed be, since he went on to talk about how God is neither male or female, and said the christians screwed it up calling God Father... because it should have been Creator. So was actually an interesting service.
After the service all the pagans in the building went out back and did a chant for Ollie and sent her back to the arms of the God and Goddess in our own way.
Funeral home was ok with that, which was really cool of them as well.
Afterward, we went in and had a bit of lunch, family got to take a couple flowers home each from one of the largest of the bouquets that were sent for her.
It was tough (still is), though I didn't get to see Ollie on a regular basis anymore she was still my Gran and I'm still really going to miss her.
I was totally uber squee last night and this morning... *chuckles*
I couldn't stop grinning, smiling or giggling while talking last night. Friggin' made me feel like some kind of school girl...
Thank ya Bing... ;)
you made me so uber giddy last night and this morning...
Well I'm off as this post has taken me all day to write... started it before the funeral...
all kinds of 'sum-tin' to The Man and Bing...
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