Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Weigh In #6 cont'd

Ok so I remembered today to get up and actually check my weight...which I was told not to do until my ankle was 100% better...but figured I started doing weigh in's once a month so  I'll keep it up...

Even though my results aren't really making me very happy...

Weight for this month is 184 lbs (+4lb)

I hate this I"m slowly creeping back up again...seems like I should just lay around from now on because when I was doing that I lost 17 that I'm working on actually losing weight, toning muscle and getting into shape...I seem to gain it all...


well as long as I keep seeing minus signs from month to month when doing my body measurements I'll try to not get too discouraged....but I"m understanding why it is that people quit that's for damn sure....

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