Thursday, November 25, 2004

Chicago...Thus Far...

well here I am...
I'm here in Chicago sitting in Anna's bedroom just finished a delicious piece of lasagna...kinda wishing I could spark up a smoke while I sit here and type like I normally would at home... *sigh* damn non-smokers...

lol Anyway... thus far in the trip...

dropped my mom off at work Raistlan and I head to the border (Fort Erie/Buffalo) pull up to the agents lil box....and as we're pulling up I say to Raistlan..."this guy looks like a hard ass"...sure as shit
BG = BorderGuard
scene follows:

BG- Citizenship? *pointing at Raistlan*
Raistlan- Canadian
*BG points at me*
Rae- Canadian..
BG to Raist- where ya going?
Raist- taking her to the airport (motions towards me)
BG looks to me- and where you going?
Rae- I'm going to visit a friend in Chicago for thanksgiving
*BG takes our licenses backs away from the truck, looks at the truck, looks at my license and looks at me*
BG- weren't you just there a couple of weeks ago?
Rae- pardon?
BG- didn't you just take a trip to Chicago a couple of weeks ago?
Rae- Uh...No...
BG- you sure about that?
Rae- Yes!
*BG backs to the back of the truck and looks at license plate, walks inot his lil booth, looking at probably some imaginary screen*
*I turn to Raist and say "what the hell??" last long trip my sister took in the truck was when she went to Detroit but that was in July" BG steps out of booth*
BG- and in the luggage? Just clothes and stuff?
Rae- Yep just my clothes
*BG turns to Raist*- and you're coming straight back after you drop her off?
Raist- Yes.
BG- Go Ahead...

ok so apparently this dude was trying to use some sort of scare tactic or he really thought I was someone he let over the border a couple weeks ago...

Second odd occurence was we board the plane in buffalo...everyone is seated...

*bing bing* This is the captian speaking, as most of you are aware the planes that we fly are mainly computerized and just like your computer at home we sometimes geterror messages. We are experiencing one such error message at this time. we need to shut down and reboot the plane...(in my head I"m freaking out...when my computer gets an error message its because its a piece of crap...what does that say about this plane???) just so you know all the lights and power will go off in the cabin.

10 seconds later...we're all in the dark... (fucking wonderful he's cold booting the plane) I'm sitting in my seat wondering if he got the blue screen of death...I start to giggle... the guy next to me didn't think it was funny...

Lights come back on we taxi down the runway and we're off...

I love the feeling of flying...if I could fly everyday I would... the take offs the landings hell even the turbulence... I love it all...

I was bummed I didn't get to see the sunrise like I wanted to because it was over cast... damn chicago weather... talking about which... it started snowing at about 3pm and hasn't let up :( and guess who forgot their boots... uh huh yep go ahead point yer fingers at me...

oh well... I got to meet Patrick today...yay he's so great...he's a really nice guy... I was so tired... I was laying down for a nap he brougt me a blanket... so we napped together...

Anna made a kick ass lasagna dinner...mmmmm yeah Rae's gonna eat real good this weekend LOL

John set up the laptop so I could go online with it...not that I have yet...I've taken over Anna's computer upstairs... I'm so mean... I'll give it back ;)

talking to Raistlan earlier he's tellin me to sneak one of John's laptops into my luggage on the way home ...LOL

So right now Anna's downstairs passed out on the couch... poor woman has been running all day... Johns' are sleeping...and me... well I think I'm going to go rummage in the fridge for a snack ;)

oh btw thanks again Shana for letting your camera come on vacation with me :D It's having a great time LOL


Amanda said...

Im expecting a three way lesbian phone sex moment this weekend.

rfun6 said...

ok what is with crossing the border? Are you only suppose to cross like once a month or something? How would it be any of his business? Im glad your having fun. And what is this about a three way lesbian thing? LOL..... is it cold there? Snowing? I miss Illinois and the snow!!! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone there. Don't forget the museum. :)

The Witch Doctor said...

I dunno where I'm going and how many spots we'll hit...and yes it snowed, says that in the blog post LOL
all ya gotta do is call peachy :P