Thursday, November 04, 2004

Welcome To Kindergarten

work was fan-fuckin-tastic tonight....we need more nights like tonight....

"NICK!!! we need you to come back to the dark side and rejoin the evening crew..."

my poor supervisor usually only works until 5pm... he stayed until 9 tonight...Muahahaha...

Nah seriously tho...tonight I had the most fun in three hours then I have in the three months I've worked wonder why the lifers are weirdos...its all the weirdos that are lifers ;)

"Your Mom!"

we have this automated system that calls our phones randomly and will give us true or false 1 for true press 2 for false.... they just started tonight... apparently they wanted to meet their quota or something... I got 14 test calls in 3 hours... LMAO

"You know what I could go for right now...a big steamy bowl of SHUT THE FUCK UP!!"

To make things even funnier about the test calls they were asking the three same questions over and over again each time...LOL hell yeah I know those three things off by heart now...LMAO

"a six pack and a pack of smokes, just cause I think she's a virgin"

Oh yeah and the other kind funny thing about my shift besides the random quotes from the floor that I'm throwing in for you....?

"MC Sara and Dj EPS"

I only took about 8 actual customer calls tonight.

"I bet I could fit both in my mouth"

Some of the conversations tonight were just bad but so funny at the same time...

"Oh so you're a durty boy eh?"

I swear sometimes I feel like I'm back in kindergarten some days when I walk in...and somedays I join the kindergarten class when I walk in...

"Was that more of an insult to you or my mom? think about it..."

then there's the days when ya walk in you feel like you've stepped onto the set of a porn

"She was grinding a penis, I swear"

or some strange fantasy novel

"you can't or we'll tie you to this chair using headsets....throw in a cashmere sweater and thats one of your fantasies eh?....I've always had a thing for headsets..."

Any way ya look at's always a new experience when I'm at work

"its a sick game we play, he turns them gay and then I turn them straight again"

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