Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I Can't Stand And Walk, But I Stand Accused.....

ok so I'm sorry I haven't posted anything real personal like in the last few days or so...

Been on a bit of a rollercoaster... (oh *shudder* perish the thought)
yeah yeah yeah I know...

Anyway... what have I been doing...

well I've been working some over time so I could get some money together for going to Chicago, I've been trying to figure out whats going on at work with my stupid campaign and whether or not I'm still going to have a place in Hell when I come back from Chicago, I'm trying to figure out a day that I can go spend the day with my Squasha when he gets here, and I've been working thru some emotion that decided to poke its ugly head back up again like mom's meatloaf three days later...

I really need to pack tonight...yes I haven't packed yet...LOL Moonie and Shan's heads are probably spinning out of control now...LOL
Yes I leave later tonight at 3am and I have not packed yet ;)

But anyway incase I don't actually post anything while I'm gone...
Happy Thanksgiving to all my American buds ;)
And to the Canadians...um...uh...well... Happy Being A Canadian!!!
To anyone else who's not covered in those two countries... WOW thanks for readin my blog ;)


thats about all the thoughts I have right now...

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