Well now that that's settled... let's try this again.
It's been at least a months since I've really posted anything here.
After years and years of the hating on zombies I decided to try another zombie movie. I really do hate the lil fuckers, and hate how loved they are by people. They're not cool, or anything to me. so last night while doing some other stuff here at my desk I watched Zombieland. Not overly impressed though there were some funny lines and such... it was a good movie if you take out all the zombies ;)
I've taken a 'chill the fuck out' pill... before I end up causing a bunch of shit to happen that wasn't actually going to happen but my paranoia causes me to make it happen... *laughs* yeah figure that one out.
I've gotten to the point where I don't care about christmas, since I know I won't be getting what it is I want. I've got some presents for the kids but I'm not freaking out because I wasn't able to get them a lot. I've made some goodies and put them in some tins for some others. Other then that I've decided to make the effort to not get so upset about presents for all those I'd like to get presents for. Hell most of the xmas cards I would have killed myself to get out, haven't been done. There's only two things left I need to do, that's to send out two packages which I really wanted to do before the actual holiday... again though can't afford it so. *shrugs* I guess they get their presents late.
As for the rest... I just need to finish up the rituals that will be done, go to the xmas concert for the boychild tomorrow, get a couple more classes done, clean the house and ..... ok so I do have a few things left to do...
I have all the time in the world. *smiles*
I really do... I make the time for the stuff that needs to be done.. or the stuff that I want to get done. I make the time, always have. I grew up in a household where if you wanted to do something you found the time to do it. I found time to be in karate, dancing, cheerleading, AV club, Environmental Awareness club, Fashion Show, Healthy Lifestyles club, UN Debate, Badminton, Volleyball, Basketball, have a steady beau, keep up with all my friends and I did it all while drunk and high...
So yeah... I make time.
Sometimes a lil girl just needs her Daddy. (yep out of the blue and just for one of you)
Though I should probably send my father a message and see if he'll be in the area in the next bit and if so invite him and his wife to dinner. *shrugs*
Think if anyone gives me money for christmas I'm gonna use it for a tattoo. Right across my face. *laughs*
Oh yeah... other news...
I am no longer a staff member on the mush... and as much as I thought that would pain me in some way. It really doesn't, I'm a bit bummed but all in all I think I was ready for the end of it all. I was sick of the hypocrisy from the guy who owned the place. I was tired of complaints from players because others weren't doing their job. I was upset at all the double standards in place there.
I'm still on the fence as to whether or not I'll be keeping my characters there so that I can rp. I'm starting to doubt it. There's other players that have left because of crap between other players, and then there's those who have a problem with stuff that's being done staff-wise and yet won't say anything. Then there's players who are inconsiderate and rude, oh and of course those that are liars. Not even mentioning the drama inducing idiots. And really even just doing some rp there are things pointing me to the 'quit' door.
I dunno.. is the attachment I have for my characters strong enough to keep me from quitting. I really would hate to lose them after all the work and time I put into them. I've already had one leave (read that as, commit suicide... no possible way for her to come back again).
Bah... have to go finish typing up tomorrow's rit... and Thursday's class notes... and Monday's rit... and finish making the peanut butter balls... tidy up a bit for tonight's class... get a date to set the euchre tournament for the meeting tonight... and even through all of that I still make time to think about you and miss you... ;)
Happy Yuletide Season (in case I don't get back here until the new year)