Tuesday, January 24, 2012

and the top stories of the night are....(not listed below)

so not feeling well...

still wearing the heart monitor for the rest of this week... but been having sinus headaches...been stuffed up...haven't been hungry...and today I started coughing...

glad I have the monitor for the rest of the week... why? well because now I can take some meds for the sickness and if anything happens with my heart I can totally hit the button...

I have pushed the button on the monitor 5 times since I got the monitor... what happens is...I feel the wonkiness (yes that's a technical term) in my heart...I push the button and the monitor starts recording for the next minute...and then it says 'hey let's go ahead and record the 15 seconds before she pushed the button'...

it's been annoying trying to sleep with it on, and trying to keep comfortable while wearing it throughout the day... but now that I've had it for over a week... it's become a small friend... lol

sort of like when I was in hospital in Toronto and I was naming all of the medical equipment... my IV standy/rolly thing was Bernie... lol

I've not named the monitor but it's called a 'King of Hearts Express AF' so I just call it Kingy... lol

I was going to update about what's been going on but I've been a bit distracted last night and today I've been trying to find a ring of mine... it's making me sad that I haven't been able to find it... when sitting down and thinking when the last time I wore it was... was in Nevada... problem is.. after asking Big Daddy...he said he can't find it there...or hasn't seen it... *le sigh* I hope it turns up... I like that ring... it's my ring from Tiffany's...

can't seem to keep a thought it my head for more then a few moments...

oh... I haven't had a chance to really saying anything about my Zuulie-Bear (aka Zuul)... Nov 30th Burton proved once again just how freakin' awesome she is and gave me a ride out to Jordan and we went and picked up Zuul... a black labradoodle bull mastiff mix puppy... who for the last couple of months has been testing our patience... scratching us up... loving us up... and growing like a weed...

that's him the first night we got him... he was born on Oct 7 and like I said we picked him up on Nov 30th...so he was just shy of 8 weeks old... I think he was already bigger then Otis... (my sister's jack russell)...

and that's him on January 3rd after having just come in after a walk...don't mind the mess under the couch I hadn't swept yet... lol

He's going to be a big boy... his mum, the labradoodle, is about 75lbs and his dad, the bull mastiff, is about 90 lbs.. according to the lady I bought him from...hence why I call him Zullie-Bear... that and he doesn't have long hair but he doesn't really have short hair... his fur is quite strange... but thankfully he does have the poodle hair/dander so he's not bothering anyone's allergies...

I swear he's tripled in size from when we first got him... I'm going to try to take a pic of him every few weeks so I can see how much he's grown...

I've got to say I've really been enjoying Skyrim (on our new ps3) every time the Manchild is here I ask him to bring it with him... this last weekend he said we could keep it for the week... especially since he has exams this week that he's studying for...I've never found a game that holds my attention like Skyrim does...

But talking about the Manchild... the change in him has been really nice... since we/I found out what's really going on at his dad's place... Manchild has been much more open about what's going on with him... I've told him numerous times that he is welcome to move in here...and he's thinking that it would be best for him to do that at the end of this current school year... he despises all the people that he's having to live with at the moment... and is pretty much convinced that his father is a dick and a douchebag... I can't really say that I blame him much...I mean there are reasons I'm not with his father anymore... that's two of them right there...but in all seriousness... the Manchild doesn't tell his dad when something's bothering him, when he's injured, what's going on in his games, what's happening at school, or as far as I know even who the latest girl is that he has a crush on... and since his father has gotten a landline at the house the Manchild has been calling me on a fairly regular basis... heck I was on the phone with him for over an hour this morning... talking about his Business exam, sopa, skyrim, mw3, his friends and what his plans are for the rest of the week... this was just after spending the weekend with him... it's been really nice to see the turn around from a sullen teen with enough attitude for an entire platoon of teens...to someone who actually does seem to care about those around him...

I have a sneaking suspicion that his father has told him that I didn't want him...that I didn't want him living with me... I do know for a fact that he used to punish/discipline/keep the Manchild in line with using me as a threat... 'if you don't smarten up I'm going to send you to live with your mother' ...I was like wtf?? when I had heard that one...

After having talked with Manchild about what I would expect of him if he were to move here... he shrugged and said that he could live with that...and he never understood why his dad thought it would be so terrible for him here...hell it's like playland here compared to at his father's...

the only thing he doesn't like is the geography... location location location... right?
all his friends are in the same city as his dad...which would be nearly 30 mins to get here if they were to come and hang out... which would also mean having to change high-schools which I know would suck...but I still think he would be a lot happier here...

meh... we'll see...

in other news...

we've had one snow fall that really counted... and the snow only stayed for a little bit... other then that it's mostly been raining... *shrugs*

and in sports related news...

the Boychild had his first big karate tournament this past weekend on the 21st...my baby... he went into kata and kumite... I was so proud of him... the tournament he was in was my old clubs annual tournament... so it was the tournaments where I had won all my medals... some of the same sensei's were there...and the president of the federation is a family friend of ours and couldn't believe first off that the Boychild was mine but also that my mum was old enough to have a grandson competing...lol

so he was in a group of 8 or 9 kids (around the same age and belt colour) that were competing in the kata portion of the competition and Boychild didn't place... but we all (and I mean all - my mum, sis, Me, the Man, my dad, the Man's dad and the Man's step-monster) told him it was alright and that he'd do better next time... then it was a smaller group that were paired up for the kumite (aka sparring) portion... two white belts (the Boychild is a white belt) and two yellow belts...he was happy that he placed 3rd... but you could tell he was not really entirely impressed...I was congratulating him and he shrugged and responded with 'yeah but it's third out of four...' I just grinned and said that it at least wasn't fourth out of four and gave him a wink... we all gave him big hugs and told him that he was great and could only get better...

but talking about all of us who were there and why it was kind of a big deal is... my father is getting a divorce from his second wife...and he has recently (beginning of Dec) moved back to the area...and when I say back to the area I mean has moved and is now living in the same city as my mother... who is not very happy to hear that... she holds a grudge better then any Scorpio I know...(well as does my sister...but anyway)

so for the first time in nearly 12 years my Mum and Dad were in the same room...didn't speak nor stand near each other...but hey it's a step... I've told them all that all of them will be invited to stuff the kids have going on... if Manchild decides to go back into ball hockey...I'll let my Dad know when his games are and such... there's no reason that he should be left out of my children's lives just because it will make my mother and sister uncomfortable... in my opinion they both need to put on their big girl panties and suck it up...

I feel like it's taken me hours to type this post... and now I'm just so tired again... think I'll be going to bed early tonight...

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