Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Keenan's sick...blah
After hearing a couple little hacking type coughs come from him I went to the medicine cabinet to pull out what I thought was cough the label "Fever Reducer/Pain Reliever"...crap...pulled out the other one we the label "Cold & Allergy Alleviates Runny Nose/Sneezing"....Fuck...apparently the Cough syrup is gone... Shadow called at lucnh...relayed the message to him that we need "Cough" medicine...So poor Keenan had to wait until almost 8pm before we could do anything about his cough...poor kid.
So far so good he has been sleeping since 9 o'clock...*knocks on wood*...apparently he kept Grandma awake last night until 1 am with his coughing...which sucked for her since she has to be up for 3am for work...needless to say she went home today after work and had a nap....

Work was fairly boring...had one call where a woman said a tech HAD to be out to her house before 7pm so she could go and vote because she hadn't had a chance to vote yet....her polls closed at 8pm.
For most of the night we sat around the sup's desk refreshing the CNN webpage for updates on what was happening...because apparently the people who were calling in wanted to talk about the election...and we were bored.
I described it to a friend of mine earlier as a morbid fascination we all had...since our airwaves have been bombarded with American election crap for who knows how long was like we had to find out what was going on...curiousity I guess. To see which half of the US is going to be pissed and which was going to be enh with it.
They call an election here...we have a few weeks to decide and boom we vote... they call an election and it seems like the rest of the next year is filled with election bullshit, debates, mud slinging, name calling, stumping (new term I learnt tonight) , and we see faces plastered all over our tv''s just blown way up....I remarked how I was surprised that election day wasn't a national holiday for them...

Before Work....
Was pleasantly surprised...was talking to Jamie on Skype...when all of a sudden my skype started ringing... must say I'm still fairly new to the whole skype gig...didn't realize when I was on a call I could get another call...was confused for a moment as to what to do...Anyway...
It was my Squasha...yay...haven't "talked" to him in a long time...have sent messages back and forth but haven't heard his voice in a long time...(At this part of my blog I'm assuming his already stopped reading so I can get a little mushy)...LOL
I miss my Squasha... a lot... we never did get to see a lot of each other in person... but I remember a time when we would be able to message back and forth for a few hours at a time (shut up I did so have a life)...we used to have some of the weirdest conversations back mostly when we do get to message its basically a hi how ya doin kinda thing... Anyway, we talked about how he was coming home to visit (for those who don't know he was originally from here but is now living in England) ...I'm really hoping that while he's down I'll be able to get to see him...hopefully for more than an hour...LOL Last time he came home I missed him....and the time before that I only got to see him once and that was while there was a bunch of other people around so we didn't get to talk too much... I still consider him one of my really good friends even tho we don't talk much... He's one of those guys who doesn't get to sentimental or emotional about too much... but he'll listen to anything ya have to say.... and he'll help you out in a pinch... And really he's an all around nice guy. I miss him lots. I'm really glad I got to talk to him today.

At Home With CNN
Been refreshing CNN and watching the numbers change between Bush and Kerry...and I got this funny-ish idea... on the page I've been viewing it has Bushs pic and Kerrys pic both are would have been funny if they could have changed them as the votes came the numbers for one got bigger have the one that was trailing (Kerry) their picture making a sad frowny face .... so as Bush got more votes have Kerry's face getting more and more sad with each vote Bush got...until the end of the polling...and then whoever lost have the pic of them crying...LOL I'm so twisted some days.

Blah..thats enough about my day...

1 comment:

The Witch Doctor said...

Riiiight...and when Family And Children Services comes knocking on my door because I have a drunk 3 year old...I'm sending them to you...LMAO