Teenagers will always be cruel...Two teenager girls were on the bus tee hee'ing over another girls out fit when she was sitting not more then two seats away from them...and had something to say about everyone coming on and off the bus including myself...I don't know if they just didn't have a care in the world or if they thought everyone was deaf...I wanted to give them a what for...then I remebered I was kinda like that when I was that age...but at the same time the girl that they were bashing was a bigger girl and she was real pretty...and I knew it was affecting her by the look on her face...and I remember being that girl also...I felt sad and annoyed that kids never change...and it made me feel old.
*NEWS FLASH* Missing Link Found In Thorold Riding Transit!!!
I have a friend named Patrick...and most of you know him...but a lot of you don't... well there's a guy who catches the bus just before I do and he is headed home from work while I head to work. This guy looks JUST like Patrick... he seems like a nice guy too...I talked to him for a minute or two today.
My mom needs to learn that she is not the be all and end all when it comes to my kids. She can make all the "suggestions" she wants...that doesn't mean that we are going to do any of them.When two people (Shadow and I) decide what is right for their children... just because she steps in and says...well I think you should change your mind...we're supposed to suddenly forget that we made an agreement as the kids parents and do whatever it is that she "thinks is best"...well in the words of my beloved Anna..."Ooooohhh Hellll No!"
I think that 90% of the people that ride the bus in the afternoon are all alcoholics that got their licenses taken away from them for drinking and driving...
One thing I have noticed on while riding the bus the last couple of weeks...all the people who ride the bus everyday are the ones that say thank you to the drivers.
All the bus drivers drive like they have somewhere to be thats more important then where they are...yet all they do is drive around in circles all day...
All bus drivers stop at bus stops and stop signs as if the signs just jumped out in front of them and scared the shit out of them.
I think there should be a "Transit 500" All bus drivers can enter in their buses and we could bet on who would win...and they could drive just as fast as they want.
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