So my internet is fucking up again...Cogeco has their head up their asses....Won't have a tech to my house until Thursday..... Thurrrrsday!!
So I shall be scarce until they figure out what the fucking problem is...
On a better note..
9 Days til my birthday... send lots of presents :D ;)
On a strange note... I got into two conversations about sex during training class and one on the way home... I've been trying to steer clear of sexual types of conversation...cause people have been written up for some strange ass shit at work...anyway, both conversations were with latino who is in his 40's and one who is in his late 20's....I dunno was just kind of strange....
Anyway there's the cliff notes version...
1. What date is your birthday?
2. You didn't put down what you wanted for us all to see
3. :)
well the exact date of my birthday is the Wednesday September 22nd at 9:00am ... and as to what I want for my birthday...I dunno... I never know ahead of time...the only thing I knew I "REALLY" wanted was an O.C.C. Hoodie... (Orange County Choppers)... whenever people ask me what I want..I'm like I dunno... the rest of the year I'm like "I want this...or that....or that..." and thats only if I'm window shopping online... or actually shopping in a mall...
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