So I said I'd let ya know what we decided to do for Halloween...well here it goes..
I woke up very early rolled over looked at the clock and it said 6:30 am so I shrugged and said ok guess I should get up and do some cleaning since there's going to be 9 people at my teeny tiny apartment... 5 adults 4 children... (going backwards for a second...Krammit called and wanted to see if we wanted to go trick or treating with her and her kids...I suggested coming here...she decided that was a good idea)
So I got up and started cleaning the apartment some...took a break and checked email...clock on the computer read 6:35 am...sitting there puzzled for a moment as to how long I had been slowly dawns on me that it was Daylight Savings Time...Holy Fuck I got up at 5:30 not 6:30...
standing in the kitchen picking up some stuff off the floor...I heard a noise from the kids room I look towards the door of their bedroom...didn't see Gambit coming out so shrugged and went back to picking the stuff up...all of I sudden I hear "Mornin Mom" I nearly jumped outta my skin...I look up near the top of the door opening and there's Gambits head...after swearing at him for scaring the crap outta me (btw he was on the top bunk peeking his head out) I asked him to help me for a bit...
So Shadow wakes up awhile later tells me he has a huge headache is taking some drugs and going back to bed...
Great so much for getting him to help me...and the novelty of helping me had already worn of for Gambit and he was I continued tidying for a bit more...
Keenan comes crawling out of bed...coughing and sniffling...great he has a cold...
So after Shadow wakes up I inform him that since I got up so friggin early I was laying down for a nap...
So I was woken up by the phone ringing and Krammit asking if I needed anything from the store...let her know of the couple things needed for dinner...and passed back out...
Shadow comes in to let me know that he's getting into the shower and that it was time for me to get up now since it was 3 pm...
I ask him to rub my back first...being the nice guy that he is...he starts rubbing my rings "Shadows House Of Body Massages" Krammit laughs on the other end of the phone...she asks if my sister is here yet...she wasn't...umm ok...why?
"well I'm down on beaverdams rd and I have a flat tire"...shit now that woke me up...
so we start thinking of all the different ways to solve this problem...ends up we decide that we'll deal with it after trick or treating, she wasn't that far away...So Shadow grabs the kids wagon and goes to meet Krammit...the two kids got a wagon ride so they wouldn't have to walk so far since they were going to be doing a lot of walking for trick or treating...
So everybody gets here...and after dinner we get the kids ready to go out...we do a couple of streets, pile 9 people into a 7 seater van and head over to the Lions club where there's a little halloween party for all the neighbourhood kids...
We then pile back into the van and head over to the Fire Station where the kids got hotdogs and chocolate milk and of course...more candy... we decide to go say Hi to my crazy aunt that I haven't seen in almost two years (thats another story for another day) because she only lives down the street from the firehouse...) and then on the way back to my place we stop at Krammits van to change the tire...because we found out upon calling TBear (Krammits husband) that the doughnut tire for the car is under the van...and thus begins the fun...
Krammit pulls the van very slowly across to the other side of the road so that we could get to the passenger side back tire easier...finds the jack...then theres a hunt to find the bolt that releases the cable that lets down the doughnut...found it...Shadow jacks up the van...BIL is under the back side of the van trying to turn a huge wingnut to get the tire out while Krammit turns the stupid bolt in the back of the van Sis is holding a flash light for of course are slowing down...gawking at all of us...then we all kind of change jobs...Shadow gets under the van because now the van is jacked up and flat tire is off...absolutely repair job could fix that flat...I'm now cranking the bolt in the back of the van...Sis giving evil looks to passerbyers...we ddn't need their help but then again it would have been nice if they offered... so imagine if you will the image...BIL is dressed in one of the inmate costumes black and white stripes number on the front...Sis is dressed in a black robe with black collar that has skulls around it, her short black hair is spiked, her face is paitned white and black looking like some sort of skull demon...I'm dressed fairly pants, fleece sweater my hair is in a bun at the back of my head with this ring of spiky vibrant purple hair shooting out of the bun...Shadow is in his bdu cammo pants, black doc marten boots his long hair and a black sweater with a wolf head on the back...Krammit was in black pants, black sweater and her hair is long brown and straight... This mish mash of misfits are all standing around the back of Krammits van while the children are buckled in in the other van...staying put after I tell them if they move I'll kill them...Shadow's working the crank now..still trying to get the cable to move so the tire will come down and BIL is still lying under the van trying to get the tire out when all of a sudden...
A cop pulls up...
Nah nothing as extreme as all of us going to jail :P Sis had just been saying five minutes prior too bad we didn't have a flare to caution the on coming traffic about us on their side of the road...when Viola! Mr Policeman arrives...very cute I may add ;) and asks if we need any help... nah I think five adults trying to fix a flat is more than then he says ok..well I'm going to set up a flare for you guys.
Aww how nice was that...
So I'm getting frustrated because the way we've been doing it doesn't seem to be working..I start on the bolt in the back...hoping that all the swaying of the van makes it land on BIL's head... "why don't you try the crank the other way" he says...grr
After a long while...Krammit long does one of those flares we all look over and the flare is half way done...Shadow says they usually last an then starts up the argument of who gets the cute little teepee stand that the flare is standing on... *insert eyeroll* btw it was between Krammit and (oh yeah and neither of them got it)
So lo and behold another cop pulls up...this time he had his lights going...woo hoo we're gettin popular now... he asks if we need any help...again..he was cute too...Sis says nah don't think theres much you would be able to do...we're just trying to get the doughnut out...One of your buddies not to long ago left a flare he proceeds to ask if we wanted a few more...not another one...not a couple...a few LOL she said thank you but it wasn't necessary...he says ok and good luck and drives off...I almost kick her...dude we could have gotten more flares...what the hell was she thinking...flares are always cool. LOL
Anyway...Sis looks at me at one point and says do you realize what time it is...umm not wearing my watch I reply with...uh no...why? she tells me its 10 to we've been out here for like two hours... well at least it was entertaining...
no five people could have ever had more fun changing a tire if they tied monkeys to the lamp posts and threw bananas at them...
So the doughnut off with some brute force and some heavy duty winding (that was me) :D pulled it off and...
I swear to you that thing has never ever ever ever been taken off that van since the day it was first attached... Hell Krammit didn't even know it was there and shes had the van for over a year now...LOL that thing was dirty as hell and the wingnut was rusted...the cable was seized...its no wonder it too so frigging long to get it off...
So Krammit and I got in her van everyone else got into the other van...we all came back here...they all grabbed their stuff and went in all the directions that they needed to go...
Got a call about an hour later from Krammit letting me know that they got home and everyone was in bed...and she was on her way that way too...
So Shadow and I played a couple video games after putting Keenan to bed (Gambit went back to his dads) then we headed to bed...I watched some decent porn while Shadow went to sleep...then I came out here to tell you all about my night...
It was a little more eventful then we were all planning...but fun all the same...
So how was your Halloween?
Wanna touch my candy box?
Not nearly as fun as yours...Heh ;).
Always Peach ;)
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