a lot of people know that I;m open to all sorts of alternate lifestyles and so forth but this dream I had takes the freakin cake...
I pictured that not only did the Man and I find a new house to move into... but that Big Daddy was willing to live with us (at the Man's request) but that we also invited my Ex and his girlfriend (not the Junkie) to move in with us as well... all the kids... The Manchild, Boychild, my ex's other two kids and his gf's kids came to live with us as well...
the house that we got was huge... there was a room for the three of us....a bedroom that had once been a kitchen for my Ex and his gf...I sold them on the idea of the fact that if they wanted to keep separate from the rest of the household groceries and such that it was ideal for them to take that bedroom...then for all the kids there was three other bedrooms... an office that we could all run away to with our computers, a rec room in the basement, a living room, dining room and then (I like because I heart it so very much) a kitchen that looked exactly like Big Daddy's....
the house was gorgeous and was big enough that we didn't all feel cramped... the ex's gf's kids didn't live there full time but came on weekends, same with the ex's other two kids...Big Daddy's son came to visit in the summer... so it was like a revolving door for the kids but all in all it was a pretty stable family home...
I was amazed in my dream that it was working so well...but holy shit talk about a weird friggin dream
I think it maybe sort of stemmed from the fact that the Man and I were talking about living arrangements and such last night before bed...and one that had been revisited was the fact that we had all discussed at one point Big Daddy living here with us...which of course would make my life a helluva lot easier...but that it was proven that wasn't going to happen in a huge way when Big Daddy bought a house... I had felt really hurt at the time and I suppose I still do at times when i think about it... and when it was sort of half mentioned he said something about how the family wouldn't like that too much or something along those lines... what he doesn't realize is the fact that it wasn't originally even my idea... it had been The Man's idea and want to have him live with us...so I'm fairly certain that with it being his idea in the first place that he was and still is alright with the idea, which he did say last night... the it's all moot now... since it's been made abundantly clear that, that is not what Big Daddy would want...
whole bunch more to blog later about last night... too tired right now... just woke up...
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