Saturday, September 17, 2011

Yes! Let's go Hiking! Yes!

So... for those who care and/or are keeping track...

I met with the financial advisor earlier this evening that I had spoken about the other day in a post... it went well...

She and I spoke about all things small business it seemed... I had a shit ton of questions about taxes and book keeping and the initial start up money that I'll have available to me... and where to start and what steps I should be taking and how to get to where it is I want to be...

She was really supportive and is willing to work with me on a monthly basis to make sure that I don't fuck up my book keeping...

It was a huge weight off my feels as though I could do just about anything now that I've gotten that initial meeting out of the way... I know I have a lot more to do and am going to definitely need a lot of support and encouragement from my friends and family...

Every time I sit down and make some jewelry, talk about my stuff, work on the FB page, or think about the business stuff I get real excited...motivated to just do more... I have some phone calls to make and some contacts to reach out and touch some how... but all in all... it was a real good meeting... now besides being creative...I have to work on my organizational skills... *tee hee hee* Let's see how that goes...

stay tuned...

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