Thursday, December 08, 2005

Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir?

Welcome to my very first "Half Nekkid Thursday" post... I came across this while blog surfing one day.... if ya wanna read the guidlines and maybe participate.... go over there ---->
and click on HNT- Half Nekkid Thursday little button.... So in the spirit of HNT I had to rummage through my pics to find one for my post today...

So thats the one I decided to bust my HNT cherry on...


So I've thought of some "homemade" ideas for christmas... see the spirit starts to come back eventually.... it might actually be all the way back by 24th :P anyway... so I came up with a couple of ideas... first one being tins of cookies... let me rephrase that... tins of homemade cookies made by me next weekend :D I'm gonna be up to my armpits in flour next weekend... anyway... we also have these interesting peanut jars...they're in the shape of this know Mr Peanut anyway... but if you take the labels off and paint them white... ta daa you have a snow man... which is great that it already comes with a top hat :) anyway so I'm gonna paint the jars and then turn them into candles :D
Anyway...and I thought I might put together a cd of pics of the family... not me naked ya big pervs... tho if you'd like to donate some money over there ---> we could discuss that option...

WHAT?? oh its not that bad :P
People have done worse for less :P

Anyway... I have to go and hunt down my laundry in Niagara Falls now... See Ya Later :D


The Witch Doctor said...

why thank ya *battin' eyelashes*

Anonymous said...

nice caboose