Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why Oh Why Didn't I Take The Red Pill... ?

So I had someone ask me to describe my perfect birthday to them... so here it goes... what would make this birthday perfect to me....

Wake up in the morning, on my own, without a mini heart attack from a phone, or alarm clock... (or have someone wake me up just how I like to be woken up ;) )
Go to Cosmo's for breakfast with my honey...
Go and get a nice pedicure and manicure...
Head over and get my hair done... nice fiery reds like I like it in the winter...
Maybe go for an ice cream or maybe a light lunch...
Go to my favourite tattoo parlour, get my tattoo done and re-pierce my eyebrow...
Head out and buy a couple of outfits and a suitcase... pack said clothes into said suitcase...
Go to the airport, board a plane to Switzerland...
Go to Squasha's and sit with him for a nice quiet evening on his terrace with his wonderful view, smoking a cigar and sipping a warm brandy...

Not much to ask... right?

So I might be able to do a couple of those things that are on the list... I'll letcha know which ones on Tuesday...
Now that would just be this years perfect birthday... next years might be different... we're always changing...

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