Monday, March 22, 2004

I did 3 tarot readings last night...

wow they were informative to say the least...
I did one for myself and two for Shadow...
Essentialy mine said that I'm still here because I need to finish what I started, that I need to do some more teaching, and then I will be going on a journey....thats the jist of it...

Shadow's was dead on...omg I was sittin there looking at the first spread I did for him and thought...."Dayum!!" so I told him everything that was in there...
The Second spread I did for him ....just reinforced the first one...

Ever notice how everyone picks up foreshadowing in the movies because the movie will only last two hours....however when there is foreshadowing in your own life you never really pick it up as quick...maybe I do because to me life is a movie... it just lasts longer and you can't edit out the boring parts or the parts that make it run too long...

When I got the reading from Angelus last week... when he mentioned the teaching it really sparked something that had been laying dorment for sometime... I have put a concious effort now into getting myself back up to my standards for teaching...and I will start teaching again in a few weeks... Thank you Angel for igniting that spark again... for you doing that will bring me closer to my journey.

Krammit girl...I love you and thank you for knowing what evil lurks inside ones mind ;)

*thank you for opening up and telling me the helped me clear my mind for what has to be done...don't live a lie... ;)

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