Monday, March 29, 2004


the question "Why?" has been on my mind a lot lately about a lot of different things...

as you can tell by one of my previous posts....

like Why... why would you tell an emotionally unstable person that you love them? why would someone so needy be so appealing? why do you always love the damsel in distress? why is it if it wasn't for that I wouldn't have any doubts? why did you have to do that? why are you the way you are? why is it I can love you so much and hate you so much at once? Why is it I can't trust you with my heart anymore?
I never in my entire life thought that anything could come between us... apparently there is and has...

I get so frustrated with you...why do you make me like that...?? huh? why couldn't you love JUST me?
So why should I do this favour for you?
Why should I go to the hospital? why am I going to do it? well cause I'm a sucker...
a sucker for you...always have been...probably always will be
Great my cable went out I guess I'll be rambling til I get a steady light...

The reason I told you that I was unhappy and let on that I didn't want to be because you were no longer mine and all can lie and say yes you are/were but I know had a look of guilt and a look of shame and longing in your eyes...that I knew wasn't for me...
I just hope that you remember what I told you...

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