Saturday, October 02, 2004

Assinine Conversation Between To Tired Asses

If I never see the word Ass again it will be too soon after this conversation. I have never seen the word Ass used ass many times ass it was used in this assinine conversation. The things people will talk about at 3 o'clock in the morning. Any names besides my own (sugar_plum_butt is my yahoo id just for those who don't know) have the **** to block them out, except the person I wass talking to they'll be known ass "assfriend"...all the people who's names have been assterisked out were innocent bystanders and I'm so sorry to them...LOL Hard to believe this whole converastion stemmed from an uninvited guest who needs to leave. LOL

sugar_plum_butt (3:30:20 AM): you don't look like your laughing out loud...
assfriend (3:30:28 AM): I am on the inside
sugar_plum_butt (3:30:44 AM): you're insides laugh?
assfriend (3:30:49 AM): don't wanna wake the asshat to wake up.
sugar_plum_butt (3:31:25 AM): fuckin asshat...needs to find his asscoat and his assboots and move his assthings out of your non-asshat house...
assfriend (3:31:35 AM): *laughs*
assfriend (3:32:13 AM): **** sends hugs and kisses, btw
sugar_plum_butt (3:32:23 AM): aww thanks...
assfriend (3:32:31 AM): you're welcome
sugar_plum_butt (3:32:51 AM): <-- still laughin at the asshat thing...
assfriend (3:33:17 AM): I see that
assfriend (3:33:24 AM): you look quite tickled over that
sugar_plum_butt (3:33:58 AM): its just that I see things in pictures, and as I wrote that I saw it all and it was funny...
assfriend (3:34:06 AM): Apparently
sugar_plum_butt (3:35:12 AM): **** : What u laughin at Rae: long long long long story **** : ok
sugar_plum_butt (3:35:18 AM): ***** : ok what are you laughing so much about...your almost in tears
assfriend (3:35:32 AM): *wonders where he put those asspants at* sugar_plum_butt (3:36:25 AM): go look maybe with your ass-socks
assfriend (3:36:36 AM): Ass Polo?
sugar_plum_butt (3:37:16 AM): you made me pause my cam
assfriend (3:37:43 AM): i'm sorry
assfriend (3:37:48 AM): I look sorry, don't I?
sugar_plum_butt (3:37:56 AM): no your not I could tell by the look on yer face assfriend (3:38:18 AM): Don't forget your ass panties and ass bra. sugar_plum_butt (3:38:31 AM): you suck SO bad
assfriend (3:38:32 AM): Hmmm...Ass-Gucci
assfriend (3:38:46 AM): has a certain ring to it dosen't it?
sugar_plum_butt (3:38:56 AM): AssPrada
assfriend (3:39:09 AM): You had to type that between snorts, didn't you sugar_plum_butt (3:39:22 AM): I don't snort...I'm choking
assfriend (3:39:28 AM): Ass-Versaci?
assfriend (3:40:06 AM): nah, more like AssFubu
sugar_plum_butt (3:40:17 AM): AssBum
assfriend (3:40:22 AM): AssGuess?
sugar_plum_butt (3:40:36 AM): AssWang
assfriend (3:41:20 AM): I'm gonna stop now so you don't choke to death assfriend (3:42:32 AM): you okay over there?
sugar_plum_butt (3:42:43 AM): yeah I think so
assfriend (3:42:50 AM): gonna unpause the cam?
sugar_plum_butt (3:43:03 AM): I did
assfriend (3:43:44 AM): there ya are
assfriend (3:43:55 AM): don't get your asspanties in a wad again, okay? sugar_plum_butt (3:44:20 AM): nope I won't.
assfriend (3:44:27 AM): kay
assfriend (3:44:39 AM): asswatch?
assfriend (3:44:46 AM): that anything like a swatch watch?
sugar_plum_butt (3:44:48 AM): you bastard
assfriend (3:45:12 AM): AssFossil
sugar_plum_butt (3:45:18 AM): ya know tomorrow this won't be funny assfriend (3:45:19 AM): now that's something I'd wear on my wrist.
assfriend (3:45:22 AM): Like a motherfucker.
assfriend (3:45:36 AM): Yeah, I know, that's why I'm milking it now for all it's worth.
assfriend (3:45:42 AM): We could market a whole line
assfriend (3:45:45 AM): Assrighs
assfriend (3:45:49 AM): rings, even.
assfriend (3:45:57 AM): Wait, they have those for public toilets already. assfriend (3:46:06 AM): looks like a little head cutout.
assfriend (3:46:39 AM): don't lie and say you've never held one up around your face.
assfriend (3:46:47 AM): assring indeed.
assfriend (3:47:08 AM): *****: stop making her choke over there sugar_plum_butt (3:47:34 AM): Rae: omg ***** tell him to stop ***** : k assfriend (3:47:51 AM): I bet she was wearing her little Asshat when she said it too.
assfriend (3:48:11 AM): like captain fuckin' ahab.
assfriend (3:49:30 AM): ARRRRR!!!!
assfriend (3:49:46 AM): Get me spear Pequod, I'm gonna lance that fucker! assfriend (3:50:15 AM): Aye Aye Cap'n. Make sure ye don't hit the blowhole though.
assfriend (3:50:32 AM): This is like a fuckin' sea-faring assventure. sugar_plum_butt (3:51:15 AM): ok you need to stop now
assfriend (3:51:30 AM): Really?
sugar_plum_butt (3:51:34 AM): I'm trying to keep from puking
assfriend (3:51:39 AM): I was gonna ass you a few questions
sugar_plum_butt (3:51:54 AM): thats so not cool....
assfriend (3:52:58 AM): shhhhh
assfriend (3:53:05 AM): the asshounds are loose.
assfriend (3:53:31 AM): they have our scent! Be very quiet Watson. sugar_plum_butt (3:53:48 AM): are you trying to get me to puke on cam? assfriend (3:53:52 AM): What? You've never read the Asshound of the Baskervilles?
assfriend (3:54:37 AM): Alright, if you want me to stop, I will
assfriend (3:55:17 AM): you okay over there?
sugar_plum_butt (3:55:40 AM): uh huh...just cause when I laugh to much I end up gagging...and puking...don't wanna go thru that tonight
assfriend (3:55:48 AM): ah
assfriend (3:55:49 AM): okay
assfriend (3:55:57 AM): see, that wasn't me this time.
assfriend (3:56:02 AM): And /you/ started it.
sugar_plum_butt (3:56:17 AM): I started what??? I didn't do anything... sugar_plum_butt (3:57:26 AM): that wasn't me
assfriend (3:57:33 AM): bwahahahhaha
assfriend (3:57:42 AM): you don't even /try/ to lie well.
assfriend (3:57:45 AM): asshat.
sugar_plum_butt (3:57:58 AM): nope...not to you I don't
sugar_plum_butt (3:58:05 AM): assscarf
assfriend (3:58:19 AM): assparka
sugar_plum_butt (3:58:33 AM): I really do love to see you smile ya lil asstoque assfriend (3:58:51 AM): Expecially while you're wearing AssGaloshes, I know. assfriend (3:59:15 AM): or Ass-Mukluks
assfriend (3:59:49 AM): < - - - - needs and asspatula
sugar_plum_butt (4:00:00 AM): patula??
assfriend (4:00:05 AM): spatula, sorry
assfriend (4:00:14 AM): my ass ate an s
assfriend (4:00:18 AM): kinky.
assfriend (4:00:41 AM): the fabled double asseagle?
assfriend (4:01:19 AM): at least I didn't call you an assface.
assfriend (4:02:21 AM): *goes back to his corner, plants his ass*
assfriend (4:02:31 AM): OOooh! Look! An Asstree!
sugar_plum_butt (4:02:36 AM): what do you get when you cross a bi-polar, a psycho and a lunatic?
assfriend (4:03:00 AM): a Bipsychatic?
assfriend (4:03:14 AM): sounds like a fucked up moped.
assfriend (4:03:31 AM): maybe one that runs off of Manure.
assfriend (4:03:36 AM): You know - ass emmissions.
assfriend (4:03:49 AM): That'd be methane though, wouldn't it? sugar_plum_butt (4:03:58 AM): ...ya get a puking good time
assfriend (4:04:27 AM): so which of us is which?
assfriend (4:04:32 AM): bong?
assfriend (4:04:35 AM): AssBong?
sugar_plum_butt (4:04:43 AM): its not a bong you asswipe
assfriend (4:04:43 AM): You're taking AssHits!!!!
sugar_plum_butt (4:05:03 AM): I'm the lunatic....*****'s the pyscho
assfriend (4:05:14 AM): so tell me, do your ribs hurt yet?
assfriend (4:05:21 AM): Wait a fuckin' minute?
sugar_plum_butt (4:05:23 AM): no my head does tho
assfriend (4:05:30 AM): I'm not Bipolar you assclown.
sugar_plum_butt (4:05:31 AM): wha?
sugar_plum_butt (4:05:40 AM): you wanna make a bet
assfriend (4:05:47 AM): piss off.
assfriend (4:06:16 AM): you're the one taking bonghits off an asscarb. sugar_plum_butt (4:06:44 AM): riiiiiight...
assfriend (4:06:56 AM): asslight?
assfriend (4:07:09 AM): ARMAGEDDON!!!!
sugar_plum_butt (4:07:30 AM): ok now you're scaring me
assfriend (4:07:37 AM): *laughs*
assfriend (4:07:51 AM): You've obviously never heard that episode of johnboy and billy.
assfriend (4:08:20 AM): so...
assfriend (4:08:25 AM): you wanna....
assfriend (4:08:27 AM): Uhm...
assfriend (4:08:30 AM): come rub my ass?
sugar_plum_butt (4:08:54 AM): nope not now I don't...I don't wanna see the word ass for a week now let alone rub one
assfriend (4:08:57 AM): I promise it's UASSDA certivied
assfriend (4:09:14 AM): certified, even

*just so everyone knows...I was not toking on a bong during this conversation...I was drinking a slurpee, from an odd shaped container...LOL*

1 comment:

JustSue said...

no those are butt monkeys you are thinking of Amanda ...ass monkeys are their hayseed cousins from the poorer side of the jungle-gym.